matern.cov {fields}R Documentation

Matern covariance function


Given two sets of locations computes the Matern cross covariance matrix for covariances among all pairings.


matern.cov(x1, x2, theta = 1.0, smoothness = 0.5, scale=1)


x1 Matrix of first set of locations where each row gives the coordinates of a particular point.
x2 Matrix of second set of locations where each row gives the coordinates of a particular point. If this is missing x1 is used.
theta Range (or scale) parameter matrix. This can be a scalar, a vector or matrix. Default is theta=1. The locations are scaled by the inverse of theta before the distances are found. Off diagonal elements of theta build in anisotrophy.
smoothness The shape parameter for the Matern family. The exponential is found with smoothness = 0.5 as smoothness goes to infinity one recovers the Gaussian.
scale Marginal variance.


Derivatives of sample paths: In d dimensions a Gaussian process with Matern covariance and smoothness parameter nu will have nu + d/2 derivatives that exist in a mean square sense. The marginal variance is given by the parameter scale. When this parameter is set to one this yields a correlation function.

There several different ways to parameterize the Matern family and the reader is referred to Stein's book page 49 for discussion. In terms of the more geostatistical terminology, we note that out theta is also the "range" and the scale is also the "sill" if there is no nugget variance included in the covariance. We caution that the range for this function gives a qualitatively different scaling as one varies the smoothness.

Functional Form: If x1 and x2 are matrices where nrow(x1)=m and nrow( x2)=n and each row are the coordinates of a location, then this function should return a mXn matrix where the (i,j) element is the covariance between the locations x1[i,] and x2[j,]. The covariance is found as H( D.ij) where D.ij is the Euclidean distance between x1[i,] and x2[j,] but having first been scaled by theta. H is proportional to a modified Bessel function of third kind using denoted by . In our parameterization we take smoothness = nu and H is normalized so that H(0)=1. (See the function matern for a succinct definition as R code.) The reader is referred to Stein's book, page 31 for more details. Note that we do not use Stein's normalization, however, as it seems more useful to normalize the covariance so that .

Definition of the distance matrix: D.ij = sqrt( sum.k (( x1[i,k] - x2[j,k]) /theta[k])**2 ).

Note that if theta is a scalar then this defines an isotropic covariance function.

Implementation: The function rdist is a useful FIELDS function that finds the cross distance matrix ( D defined above) for two sets of locations. Thus in compact S code we have

u <- t(solve(theta) v <- t(solve(theta) H(-rdist(u, v))

where solve(theta) is the (matrix) inverse for theta.

A simple modification of this function for the user would be to substitute for rdist to give a distance metric that makes sense for a small region in lon/lat coordinates.


The cross covariance matrix between locations x1 and x2. If x1 is equal to x2 then this is the covariance matrix for this set of locations. In general if nrow(x1)=m and nrow( x2)=n then the returned matrix, Sigma will be mXn. Under some cases when the range is very small calculation of the Bessel functions fails and if so an NA will be returned.

See Also

Krig, matern, rdist,, gauss.cov, exp.image.cov, matern.imag.cov


# Presenting the Matern family:
# the function matern is called by matern.cov
d<- seq( 0,5,,200)
sm<- seq( .5, 8,,5)
temp<- matrix( NA, 200, 5)
for ( k in 1:5){
temp[,k] <- matern(d, smoothness=sm[k])
matplot( d, temp, type="l", lty=1)
# note differing correlation scales depending on smoothness 

# Matern covariance matrix ( marginal variance =1) for the ozone
# locations 
out<- matern.cov( ozone$x, theta=100, smoothness=1.0)
# out is a 20X20 matrix

out2<- matern.cov( ozone$x[6:20,],ozone$x[1:2,], theta=100, 

# out2 is 15X2 cross covariance matrix 

# Kriging fit using a Matern covariance and where the nugget  and 
# sill variances are found by GCV 
fit<- Krig( ozone$x, ozone$y, matern.cov, theta=100, smoothness=1.0)

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