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Yong Zhao
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Mesa Laboratory, Chapman Room
Lecture 2:00pm

Multiscale/Multiphysics CFD Simulation and its Application

This talk focuses on the development of parallel unstructured multigrid finite-volume methods for the simulation of complex fluid flows, which include 3D unsteady flows with fluid-structure interaction and free surfaces, as well as flow and heat transfer in porous media. In particular, methods have been developed to couple the fluid flow field and structures with diverse scale differences and arbitrarily structural movement. Multi-scale LES simulation of high-speed turbulent flow with fluid-structure interaction has also been explored. Examples of the applications of the schemes developed will be presented. Finally the application of the methods for clean energy-related applications will be presented and discussed.

Dr. Yong Zhao (Michael) obtained his BSc from Xi'an Jiaotong University, China in 1985 and MSc and PhD from the University of Manchester in 1989 and 1992 respectively under the Sino-British Friendship Scholarship Scheme.  He has been with Nanyang Technological University, Singapore since 1992, where he is currently an associate professor. His research interests are in the development of high-order FV unstructured-multigrid schemes for turbulent flow simulation and methods for fluid-structure interaction. He has won a number of awards for developing these schemes and methods and their engineering applications, including a MIT conference fellowship from the 2nd MIT conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics , the HPC Blue Challenge Bronze Award from IBM and the CrayQuest Gold Award from SGI.