plotwind {RadioSonde} R Documentation

Winds Profile Plot


Creates a wind profile in the standard atmospheric notation. Each full barb = 10 m/s, half barb = 5 m/s, and a filled triangle for 50 m/s. The maximum wind speed that can be plotted without amending the program is 65 m/s.


 plotwind(dataframe, size=5, ylim=c(1050, 100), legend=FALSE) 


dataframe Data frame for sounding data, must have components for wind speed wspd, wind direction dir, and pressure press.
size change the thickness of the plotted lines
ylim plot extent, in units of pressure
legend explains wind barb strategy


the dataframe must have components for wind speed wspd, wind direction dir, and pressure press. Missing values may be coded as either NA or 999. and are not plotted.
The standard atmospheric wind symbol is a vector of fixed length with barbs proportional to wind speed. A full barb for each 10 m/s, half barbs for 5 m/s and a triangular barb for 50 m/s.


None – creates a plot.


Eric Gilleland, Tim Hoar, Doug Nychka

See Also

getsonde, plotsonde


# Example 1: load an example radiosonde dataframe
filename <- paste(.path.package("RadioSonde"),"data","ExampleSonde.rda",sep="/")
# Example 2:
plotwind(ExampleSonde, size = 7, legend=TRUE)
# Example 3: skew-t,log p plot with winds on the side ...
plotsonde(ExampleSonde, winds=T)

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