spam {spam}R Documentation

Sparse Matrix Class


This group of functions evaluates and coerces changes in class structure.


spam(x, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, eps = .Spam$eps)

as.spam(x, eps = .Spam$eps)



x is a matrix (of either dense or sparse form), a list, vector object or a distance object
nrow number of rows of matrix
ncol number of columns of matrix
eps A tolerance parameter: elements of x such that abs(x) < eps set to zero. Defaults to eps = .Spam$eps


The functions spam and as.spam act like matrix and as.matrix to coerce an object to a sparse matrix object of class spam.

If x is a list, it should contain either two or three elements. In case of the former, the list should contain a n by two matrix of indicies (called ind) and the values. In case of the latter, the list should contain three vectors containing the row, column indices (called i and j) and the values. In both cases partial matching is done.

eps should be at least as large as .Machine$double.eps.


A valid spam object.
is.spam returns TRUE if x is a spam object.


The zero matrix has the element zero stored in (1,1).

The functions do not test the presence of NA/NaN/Inf. Virtually all call a Fortran routine with the NAOK=!.Spam$safemode[3] argument, which defaults to FALSE resulting in an error. Hence, the NaN do not always properly propagate through (i.e. spam is not IEEE-754 compliant).


Reinhard Furrer

References as a start.

See Also

SPAM general overview of the package. spam.options for details about the safemode flag. read.MM and foreign to create spam matrices from MatrixMarket files and from certain Matrix/SparseM formats.


# old message, do not loop, when you create a large sparse matrix
nz <- 128
ln <- nz^2
smat <- spam(0,ln,ln)
is <- sample(ln,nz)
js <- sample(ln,nz)
system.time(for (i in 1:nz) smat[is[i], js[i]] <- i)
system.time(smat[cbind(is,js)] <- 1:nz)



[Package spam version 0.15-3 Index]