This is a data set in R binary format that has daily summaries of surface ozone measurements for the Eastern US in the period 1995-1999. Summary is the maximum 8 hour average in a 24 hour period based on hourly data. ozmax is a list with components: days - Julian dates of measurements ( days since 1JAN1970) - matrix of station locations longitude/latitude years - time of measurements in year and fraction of year. dates - chron package date object for measurement date ( see help(chron)) PPB - a 920X513 matrix of daily ozone values in parts per billion (PPB) rows index day and columns index stations. The dimension names give the dates and the station ids. To load into an R session load( "ozmax8.rda") # example of plotting data in time for two close stations ind<- c(125, 149) ind2<- years(ozmax8$dates) ==1997 matplot( ozmax8$years[ind2], ozmax8$PPB[ind2,ind], type="l", col=c(1:3), lty=1, ylab="PPB max 8 hour average", xlab="days") title("Two individual stations")