Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences (IMAGe)

IMAGe Software


fields is a contributed package to the R Project for Statistical Computing and is a suite of well documented functions focused on fitting curves and surface to irregular data. The major methods implemented include cubic and thin plate splines, universal Kriging and Kriging for large data sets. There are also some useful functions for plotting and manipulating fields on regular grids.

Contact: Doug Nychka - nychka "at" ucar "dot" edu

netCDF format and R

Short explanation of netCDF: a self-describing, binary format used for geophysical datasets - especially regular gridded fields. The ncdf and ncdf4 R packages provide the ability to read and write netCDF files in R.


RadioSonde is a contributed package to the R Project for Statistical Computing and provides a means of reading a radiosonde profile and creating the standard SKEW-T, log p graphic.