Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling
Not for the faint of heart.

Ralph, this is very much a work in progress and tailored specifically to the CoRA environment ...

Background Information

The task is logically divided into four parts.

  1. Prepare the domain-specific portion.
  2. Specify the priors
  3. Blend
  4. Post-process
  5. netCDF generation

There is some overlap, however. The choice of geographic domain has a direct effect on the dimension of priors for the number of wavelet decomposition levels, the starting point for the equatorial normal modes, etc. ...

The whole point

There is no spatially- and temporally-complete set of high-resolution surface winds over the worlds oceans. Scatterometers measure the winds in great detail within the constraints of their orbit and field-of-view. Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models produce estimates of the surface winds (and much more) at somewhat arbitrary resolution, but the real information content of those winds is generally much lower than the "published" resolution. Our goal is to produce high-resolution winds with realistic variances at all spatial scales. These winds faithfully represent the observations where we have them, and are physically consistent where we don't have observations. Since there are an infinite number of winds that meet that criteria, we produce an ensemble of wind fields for each desired output time. The wind ensembles are especially well-suited for use as initial conditions for ocean circulation modeling ensembles, and can be used to provide estimates of uncertainty.

This image illustrates several points. The top figure (A) is typical of the result of the process; a zonal (u) wind field at half-degree resolution. Panel (B) is the divergence of the total wind field. Panel (C) is the spectra along each line of latitude (there are 96 lines of latitude) for the final product. The amplitude of each wavenumber is plotted as a single point, the mean of all 96 estimates is plotted as a line. Panel (D) is the same as Panel C except the input data is the best available NWP product (which is used in the data assimilation). The slanted red lines in C,D are identical and represent a slope of k^(-5/3), which is consistent with theory at these latitudes. Note how the NWP product does not have realistic variance at the high wavenumbers. full-size figure

The Scripts

In general, the scripts are pretty self-contained, and I tried to comment liberally. Since I often compare one script to another, I would appreciate it if the overall structure of the scripts is modified as little as possible. To that end, the fewer cosmetic changes you make, the better. I generally set a bunch of environment variables to avoid typos and mismatches.

The gross structure of the scripts comes from the way I had to do things on the IBM's. At one point, you were supposed to RUN in the General Parallel FileSystem (GPFS), but you WERE NOT supposed to COMPILE anything there. So, there is a crummy cd;copy-code,compile- // cd;run structure. In order to support "restart"ing, you had to make a "cookie" file and query it in at the shell level to see if the script needed to resubmit itself ... all very un-elegant.

I create all of the input namelist files as "here" documents in the script and the output filenames are all unique.

Should you run on the IBMs it is to your advantage to make sure the wall_clock_limit is appropriate. I burned through MANY GAU's when I had an incompatible library and tried to use MPI. Even my little test cases ran for the entire 6 hours ... on multiple processors.

The Data


The NWP data is the NCEP GDAS FNL data -- 1degree resolution. The files are the result of [/fs/cgd/home0/thoar/Winds/]GetNCEPwinds.csh which reads the NCEP grib files and uses "wgrib" to slice, dice and reformat the data into IEEE (big-endian) files with no header. Each file has one day's worth of data ... i.e. 00Z, 06Z, 12Z and 18Z The filenames are "gdas.fnlYYYY.MM.DD.UV.F00.ieee" where YYYY MM DD is the year, month and day, respectively. These files are read by SUB_GetNWP.F90 which has some CPP directives to try to locate these files on different filesystems.

The NWP data are archived at NCAR through an automatic widget which sometimes fails if the network is down, for example. Rigorously checking to make sure all timesteps are present is a worthwhile exercise.


For no particulary compelling reason, we are using the RSS Ku2000-series bmaps. The files are the result of [goldhill:/home/thoar/QuikSCAT/]GetQuikSCATwinds.csh This fundamentally reads the RSS datafiles with the RSS-supplied read routine and extracts a single wind from each WVC for just the tropics and writes out another (big-endian) IEEE file (in the format established long ago by Jan, Ralph, and myself). The filenames are "Ku2000equat_xxxxxx.ieee", where xxxxxx is the (zero-filled) orbit number. The IEEE files are then read by SUB_GetKU2000.F90. That routine also has CPP directives to facilitate finding the files.

We were using the RSS Ku2000-series bmaps. The files are the result of [goldhill:/home/thoar/QuikSCAT/]GetQuikSCATwinds.csh This fundamentally reads the RSS datafiles with the RSS-supplied read routine and extracts a single wind from each WVC for just the tropics and writes out another (big-endian) IEEE file (in the format established long ago by Jan, Ralph, and myself). The filenames are "Ku2000equat_xxxxxx.ieee", where xxxxxx is the (zero-filled) orbit number. The IEEE files are then read by SUB_GetKU2000.F90. That routine also has CPP directives to facilitate finding the files.


In order to determine what is ocean and what is not (for an arbitrary domain); an elevation dataset is needed. This should work unless you are trying to predict winds in Death Valley, Houston, New Orleans, or the Netherlands :) The successor to the ETOPO5 dataset is available on the MSS -- DSS759.2. The function LandMask reads the local version of the dataset (called TerrainBaseData.ascii) and checks the immediate vicinity of the prediction gridpoint for elevations above zero. If the percentage of the vicinity is above some threshhold, I call it "land". Your mileage will vary.


At some point soon, the directory will be made an input variable for both of these data types. This should simplify the entire matter.

Both SUB_GetNWP.F90 and SUB_GetKU2000.F90 have a couple of lines that tell it the range of data available. I just have not made them sophisticated enough to query the available files and build a set of dates available for each data type, something necessary when you try to open a set of files ... So I define a set of files to search. The achilles' heel of this is that you need to make sure the subroutines are in-step with the data available.

The Programs

are under CVS, in a project called Winds. There are many(?) fortran files in this project. Most of the helper routines live in modules, but some of the larger ones are standalone and have interface blocks in the modules to facilitate argument-checking. All the files that end in .F90 or .F contain platform-specific code are run through cpp. Everything with lower case extensions is platform-independent.

setenv CVS_RSH ssh
cvs -d :ext:goldhill.cgd.ucar.edu:/home/thoar/CVS.REPOS co Winds

MY cheat-sheet of CVS commands

There is a semi-intelligent makefile that will create an executable for each of several different platforms, making use of whatever library is available on that platform. Great(?) pains were taken to use vendor-specific libraries as these are much more highly optimized and usually exist in thread-safe form. Supported platforms include CRAY*, IBM, SGI, and linux. (*I have not used it on a CRAY in forever.) The old Sun compiler had a problem with one of my routines, but the new compiler does not. However, I have a problem trying to use the LINPACK routines in the Sun high-performance library ... *sigh* ... Since the SGI library has both LAPACK and LINPACK routines, I know I am calling them correctly, it must be a F90 compile option issue.


Used by BlendU.csh and BlendV.csh. The Granddaddy. Reads the input (namelists) and proceeds to go from soup to nuts. No restart capability. On blackforest and babyblue you can only run it for 6 hours, since this is the CPU limit for any one process. On blackforest,babyblue there is a call to the system library at the beginning of every Gibbs Iterate to make sure there is enough time to eke out another iterate. If not, it wraps things up and terminates gracefully. Wouldn't take too much to make it write out the necessary set of restart files...


Used by GibbsInit.csh. Reads the input (namelists) and creates a set of restart files. Stops before doing any Gibbs Iterates. Runs in about 10 minutes usually. Longest portion is determining the incidence matrices.


Used by GibbsBlend[U,V].csh. Has restart capability. Reads the restart files and and "continues" the Gibbs Sampling. On blackforest,babyblue there is a call to the system library at the beginning of every Gibbs Iterate to make sure there is enough time to eke out another iterate. If not, it wraps things up and terminates gracefully.

All of the above routines share multiple subroutines and functions but are still quite lengthy. To facilitate effecting changes in the codes, I have tried to structure them such that "diff" is useful. Since "diff" can be quite picky, I would prefer it if we did not make any more cosmetic changes to the code, unless you want to make the same cosmetic change to all of them.

Blackforest, Babyblue ... IBM

The most mature ... ESSL. General Parallel Filesystem(GPFS) has a scrubber. RCP does not work "as you would expect" -- must fire off YET ANOTHER script to do RCP, creates a problem for unique filnames ... Optimization higher than -O2 causes bad things to happen. Totalview ...

Dataproc ... SGI

The Silicon Graphics Scientific Mathematical Library, complib.sgimath, is a comprehensive collection of high-performance math libraries providing technical support for mathematical and numerical techniques used in scientific and technical computing. This library is provided by SGI for the convenience of the users. Support is limited to bug fixes at SGI's discretion.

The library complib.sgimath contains an extensive collection of industry standard libraries such as Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS), the Extended BLAS (Level 2 and Level 3), EISPACK, LINPACK, and LAPACK. Internally developed libraries for calculating Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT's) and Convolutions are also included, as well as select direct sparse matrix solvers. Documentation is available per routine via individual man pages. General man pages for the Blas ( man blas ), fft routines ( man fft ), convolution routines ( man conv ) and LAPACK ( man lapack ) are also available.

Longs ... the linux box

has the Lahey F95 compiler (lf95) with LAPACK. Also has the Portland Group F90 (pgf90) compiler (with ?). Is running
Linux longs 2.2.17-14 #2 SMP Tue May 22 10:53:51 MDT 2001 i686 unknown
Do not know what is entailed in making a relocatable executable. There is a run-time switch(?) to read/write big-endian files. How this affects relocatable code ...

Nightingale ... Solaris 2.6

I have a problem trying to use the LINPACK routines in the Sun high-performance library. Since the SGI library has both LAPACK and LINPACK routines, I know I am calling them correctly, it must be a F90 compile option issue. (-q64?)


grdlats = -23.75, 0.5,  23.75
grdlons = 52.25, 0.5, 179.75
pt1 = 2001, 1,  5,  0
ptN = 2001, 1,  8, 18
pdt = 6
dstruleflag = 4
navg = 35
radius = 165.0
minamb = 0
ku2000mask = 01100
keyword explanation
grdlats latitudes of interest
grdlons longitudes of interest
pt1 initial prediction time
ptN final prediction time
pdt prediction timestep


cg_tol  = 0.0005
cg_max  = 300
cg_strt = 3
cut_min = 8
nmax    = 2
kmax    = 4
he      = 25.0
kslope  = 1.666667
wind    = "u"
Nburn   = 5
Niter   = 10
BatchSize   = 5
Niters2save = 5
IterSpacing = "linear"
Ngridlocs   = 150
iseed = 10

! cg_tol  = 0.0005   ! conj gradient tolerance
! cg_max  = 100      ! .. max # of iterations
! cg_strt = 3        ! .. start value
! cut_min = 8        ! smallest multiresolution size
! nmax    = 2        ! # of N-S modes
! kmax    = 4        ! # of zonal modes
! he      = 25.0
! kslope  = 5.0/3.0  ... the slash is a killer
! wind    = "u"

! Restart Parameters

! integer Nburn = 500           ! # to gibbs iterations to compute and throw away
! integer Niter = 100           ! # of gibbs iterations to compute past burn-in
! integer BatchSize =  50       ! # in batch
! integer Ngridlocs   = 100     ! # of locs that get saved EVERY gibbs iter
! integer Niters2save =  50     ! some fields gets saved every so often --
!                               ! the spacing is determined by IterSpacing...
! IterSpacing = "exponential"	! exponentially favor later iterates to save 
! IterSpacing = "offset"	! uniform, but only past burn-in
! IterSpacing = "other"		! uniform over ALL iterates, pre-and post-burn


mu_muL_v   = -0.36, 0.02
Sig_muL_v  = 0.00001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00005
mu_muL_u   = -2.8, 0.4
Sig_muL_u  = 0.00001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00005
mua        = 0.0
s2a0       = 100.0
mub        = 0.0
me_mean_aB = 2.0
me_var_aB  = 0.15
me_mean_aI = 1.5
me_var_aI  = 0.15
me_mean_s  = 2.0
me_var_s   = 0.1
mu_hb      = 0.4
s2_hb      = 0.01
SHpr       = 100.0
svarvec    = 2.0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0
bvar       = 3.0
w_list_u   = -0.217, -0.180, -0.153, -0.130, -0.033, -0.053, -0.066, -0.075, -0.579, -0.590, -0.622, -0.663
w_kel      = 0.095, 0.192, 0.281, 0.381
w_list_v   = -0.217, -0.180, -0.153, -0.130, -0.033, -0.053, -0.066, -0.075, -0.579, -0.590, -0.622, -0.663, -0.750, -0.750, -0.750, -0.750
Seta_avgPrior = 70
avar_list  = 2295, 2400, 2645, 2222, 14162, 8297, 4877, 2553, 347, 343, 344, 300, 153, 153, 153, 153
# &priors
# mu_muL_v   = -0.36, 0.02
# Sig_muL_v  = 0.00001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00005
# mu_muL_u   = -2.8, 0.4
# Sig_muL_u  = 0.00001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00005
# mua        = 0.0
# s2a0       = 100.0
# mub        = 0.0
# me_mean_aB = 3.4
# me_var_aB  = 0.3
# me_mean_aI = 1.7
# me_var_aI  = 0.3
# me_mean_s  = 2.0
# me_var_s   = 0.1
# mu_hb      = 0.4
# s2_hb      = 0.01
# SHpr       = 100.0
# svarvec    = 2.0, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0
# bvar       = 3.0
# w_list_u   = -0.217,-0.180,-0.153,-0.130,-0.033,-0.053,-0.066,-0.075,-0.579,-0.590,-0.622,-0.663
# w_kel      = 0.095, 0.192, 0.281, 0.381
# w_list_v =-.217,-.18,-.153,-.13,-.033,-.053,-.066,-.075,-.579,-.59,-.622,-.663,-.75,-.75,-.75,-.75
# Seta_avgPrior = 70
# avar_list  = 2295,2400,2645,2222,14162,8297,4877,2553,347,343,344,300,153,153,153,153
# /

Post Processing

Is divided into several functions, be they Matlab or IDL. Since Matlab and IDL support structures, the similarity in what the routines return is very high. What happens under the covers is reasonably similar. The "Get---" series of routines generally return a subset of the information in the file. Some of the files are huge, and returning everything would usually be prohibitive. Returning different components is achieved by a trivial modification in the "return" statement. When I am old and gray, I could modify the Blender to write netCDF files, since they are almost netCDF already.

note: The times have been converted to a "convenient" monotonic base compatible with the intrinsic functions for the respective packages. In IDL, you can convert to a calendar date (string) with   date_string(bob.t(timestep)). In Matlab, the same thing can be achieved with   datestr(bob.t(timestep),0)


fname = '/data/ocean13/pub/thoar/U0/Gibbs_u_20010101_alliters.ieee';
niters = 150;
alliters = GetAllIters(fname, niters);

The blend routine writes out some information for a select set of gridpoints at every Gibbs iterate, including the burn-in period.   niters   is needed only if you do not want to return ALL the iterations. GetAllIters returns a structure with named components:

IDL/Matlab    Fortran       shapeInterpretation
niters iterN scalar total # of gibbs iterates, including burn-in
nA nA scalar # of large-scale modes
nT nT scalar # of prediction epochs (timesteps)
nP nP scalar # of spatial means
Pdomain Pdomain [3,3] Prediction Domain extents
Ngridlocs Ngridlocs scalar # of selected gridpoints
gridlocs sgridlocs [Ngridlocs] state-space ID of selected gridpoints
lats grdxy(*,1) [Ngridlocs] latitudes of selected gridpoints
lons grdxy(*,2) [Ngridlocs] longitudes of selected gridpoints
iters iters [niters] the Gibbs Iterations in the file
mu mu [Ngridlocs,niters] spatial mean
u1 u1 [Ngridlocs,nT,niters]   wind = mu + u1 + u2
u2 u2 [Ngridlocs,nT,niters] wind = mu + u1 + u2
CG_stat CG_stat [nT,niters] # of conjugate gradient trips
FileName     drag around filename for posterity
Other possibilities
a a [nA,nT+1, niters] large-scale mode coefficients
Hv_a Hv_a [nA, nA, niters] propagator matrices for large-scale modes
s2eta_a s2eta_a [nA, nA, niters]  
mu_L mu_L [nP, niters]  
s2epaB s2epaB [niters]  
s2epaI s2epaI [niters]  
s2eps s2eps [niters]  
Hv_b Hv_b [Ngridlocs,niters] propagator matrices for wavelet coefficients
s2eta_b s2eta_b [Ngridlocs,niters]  


fname = '/data/ocean13/pub/thoar/U0/Gibbs_u_20010101_batch_002.ieee';
datstr = GetBatch(fname);

The blend routine creates batch means and variances and writes them to a file every   BatchSize   Gibbs iterates, including the burn-in period. Consequently, some batches may have results from both the pre-and post- burn-in period. GetBatch returns a structure with named components:

IDL/Matlab    Fortran       shapeInterpretation
nlats GNY scalar # of prediction grid latitudes
nlons GNX scalar # of prediction grid longitudes
NG NG scalar # of locations in prediction grid (=nlats*nlons)
nA nA scalar # of large-scale modes
nT nT scalar # of prediction epochs (timesteps)
nP nP scalar # of spatial means
iter iter scalar the Gibbs Iteration when the batch was written
BatchSize BatchSize scalar # of Gibbs Iterates in each batch
lats pred_y nlats the latitudes of the prediction grid
lons pred_x nlons the longitudes of the prediction grid
t pred_t nT the times of the prediction epochs see Time NOTE
Pdomain Pdomain [3,3] Prediction Domain extents
uMean uMean [NG,nT]   mean windfield over last   BatchSize   iterates
ustd ustd [NG,nT]   standard deviation of uMean
aMean aMean [nA,nT+1] mean large-scale mode amplitudes
astd astd [nA,nT+1] standard deviation of aMean
wvMean wvMean [NG,nT+1] mean wavelet component
wvstd wvstd [NG,nT+1]       standard deviation of wvMean
FileName     drag around filename for posterity

Time NOTE: The times have been converted to a "convenient" monotonic base compatible with the intrinsic functions for the respective packages. In IDL, you can convert to a calendar date with   date_string(bob.t(timestep)). In Matlab, the same thing can be achieved with   datestr(bob.t(timestep),0)


fname = '/data/ocean13/pub/thoar/U0/Gibbs_u_20010101_poster.ieee';
niters = 150;
datstr = GetPoster(fname,niters);

The blend routine writes out the wind field for EVERY iterate after the burn-in in the "poster" file.   niters   specifies () how many iterations to retrieve. If there are not that many in the file, you will get only as many as actually exist. GetPoster returns a structure with named components:

IDL/Matlab    Fortran       shapeInterpretation
nlats GNY scalar # of prediction grid latitudes
nlons GNX scalar # of prediction grid longitudes
nT nT scalar # of prediction epochs (timesteps)
lats pred_y nlats the latitudes of the prediction grid
lons pred_x nlons the longitudes of the prediction grid
t pred_t nT the times of the prediction epochs
iters iters [niters] the Gibbs Iterate ID's
wind u [nlats*nlons,nT,niters]   the wind field in state-space form
FileName     drag around filename for posterity


fname = '/data/ocean13/pub/thoar/U0/Gibbs_u_20010101_spatial.ieee';
niters = 20;
datstr = GetSpatial(fname,niters);

The blend routine writes out entire spatial fields for many variables at select Gibbs iterates. At most,   niters   iterates will be returned. GetSpatial returns a structure with named components:

IDL/Matlab    Fortran       shapeInterpretation
nlats GNY scalar # of prediction grid latitudes
nlons GNX scalar # of prediction grid longitudes
nT nT scalar # of prediction epochs (timesteps)
niters Niters2save scalar # of iterations saved
lats pred_y [nlats] the latitudes of the prediction grid
lons pred_x [nlons] the longitudes of the prediction grid
t pred_t nT the times of the prediction epochs see Time NOTE
iters iters [niters] the Gibbs iterate of these results
s2eta_b s2eta_b [nlats*nlons,niters]    
wind u [nlats*nlons,nT,niters] wind component in state-space form
FileName     drag around filename for posterity
Other possibilities
mu mu [NG,niters] spatial mean
u1 u1 [NG,nT,niters] either the large-scale wind component or
u2 u2 [NG,nT,niters] the small-scale wind component, I forget.
a a [nA,nT+1,niters] large-scale mode coefficients
b b [NG,nT+1,niters] wavelet representation of small-scale features
Hv_a Hv_a [nA, nA, niters] propagator matrices for large-scale modes
Hv_b Hv_b [Ngridlocs,niters] propagator matrices for wavelet coefficients


fbase = '/data/ocean13/pub/thoar/U0/Gibbs_u_20010101_state_00001';
datstr = GetState(fbase)

This function actually reads the entire state but only returns a very few variables and is really only meant to demonstrate what could be done. GetState returns a structure with named components:

IDL/Matlab    Fortran       shapeInterpretation
iter iter scalar the Gibbs Iterate
nlats GNY scalar # of prediction grid latitudes
nlons GNX scalar # of prediction grid longitudes
NG NG scalar # of locations in prediction grid (=nlats*nlons)
nT nT scalar # of prediction epochs (timesteps)
nA nA scalar # of large-scale modes
lats pred_y [nlats] the latitudes of the prediction grid
lons pred_x [nlons] the longitudes of the prediction grid
t pred_t nT the times of the prediction epochs see Time NOTE
a a [nA,nT+1]   large-scale mode amplitudes
b b [NG,nT+1]   wavelet representation of small-scale features
wind u [NG,nT,niters] wind component in state-space form
FileName     drag around filename for posterity

netCDF generation

List of things "to do" ...

  1. Ensure IDL scripts are row-major compatible ...
    1. GetAllIters.pro
    2. GetBatch.pro
    3. GetPoster.pro
    4. GetSpatial.pro
    5. GetState.pro
    convert to return proper spatial fields instead of state-space form?
  2. Convert Matlab post-processing scripts to structure format
  3. Make GetNCEP read 1degree and output T62 subsets for comparison when prediction grid delta ~ 1.0 degree. interp ESSLpg 915
  4. Generate a comparison field for Ralph, old domain, new time.
  5. Relocatable Linux code and scripts ...
  6. Documentation for matlab read&plot functions.
  7. fix LINPACK errors on SUN compile for TestAllFunctions ... LINPACK on SGI worked just fine ... must be a sun compiler option for sunperf compatibility
  8. See if /scratch/thoar/SUNBlend/Blender works OK.
  9. Use library-specific random number generation? Better than F90 intrinsic?
  10. Profile code for "obvious" improvements.
  11. Resolve MPI code with single-threaded (everything above)

Scientific Objectives ...

PROPOSED SCHEDULE: First Science Application of Tropical u,v BHM

0. Change time period/MJO event                         [TJH, RFM]
   want more continuous convection/propagation

1. Burn-in Validation                                   [TJH, DN]
   (150 iterations = 6 hrs on IBM)

   a) examine samples of posterior
      (4 per day * 52 days * 50 iterates)

   b) tune conjugate gradient convergence parameter

   c) find AR(1) parameters for posterior distribution
      (at representative points, as a function of it #)

2. Surface wind Convergence Maps                        [TJH, RFM]

   a) does it look right?
      (simple animations)

   b) compare with TAO-buoy (hourly) wind records

   c) goto 1a) above until satisfied

3. ASIDE: drive 1D ocean model with realizations from posterior dist
                                                        [DN, RFM, TJH]

   a) Large et al upper ocean model, equatorial Pacific initialization
   b) Doug wants this by Nov 2001; diplomacy issue with Chris

4. Cloud Data comparison to infer MJO convection        [RFM, TJH]

   a) identify/obtain best dataset (OLR?, TRMM?)

5. SST comparison for MJO propagation                   [RFM, TJH]

   a) SST from TMI on TRMM (see Chelton et al; contact Dudley)

6. Co- Cross-Spectral analyses sampling from posterior distribution
   (revisit comparison with TAO for SST as well)
                                                        [TJH, RFM, RAM]

   a) surface wind convergence vs. convection

   b) surfacw wind convergence vs. SST

   c) convection vs. SST

7. Technical Report preparation                         [all]

8. Journal paper preparation                            [all]
Document: /staff/thoar/WindInstructions.shtml
Last modified: Thursday, 15-Feb-2018 11:08:35 MST
Tim Hoar - thoar@ucar.edu