NCAR's Geophysical Statistics Project

Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences

Monthly average precipitation data for the Rocky Mountain region of the US.

General information about the format.

For all these data sets the precipitation measurements have been transformed by the square root and centered by the 30 year monthly mean (1960-1989). The main challenge for these data is to extrapolate to a fine regular grid and quantify the uncertainty in the estimates.

For a spatial analysis of these data and some context for why it is important see Nychka, D., Wikle, C., Royle, J.A. (1999)

Large spatial prediction problems and nonstationary random fields
the technical report in postscript or just the abstract There is also a shorter submitted manuscript that gives less explanation about 2-d wavelet bases: postscript paper and abstract .

1963 August monthly precipitation at 800 sites

(Not all sites are reporting in every month and missing values are coded as NA.)

  1. download the data,
  2. get site locations as a 845 X 2 table of longitudes and latitudes. These locations are in the same order as the rows of the data table.
  3. get Cross-validation site logical variable. This is a vector where
    0 = site was used for fitting surface,
    1 = site was reserved for cross-validation of fitted surface.
    There are 45 total CV sites (some are missing values) that are used in the analysis of Nychka et al.