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Fields Demo/tutorial:

Some examples created by Doug Nychka using functions from the Fields software package designed to quickly familiarize users with some of the tools and methods available. For more organized coverage of this software, check out the Fields On-Line Manual.

Some color-coding makes the tutorial easier to follow, so here goes
(by convention, all comments are preceeded by a '#'):

# These are comments
These are commands   to faciliate "cutting&pasting", we omit the R prompt ('>')
These are output
Because we can, the graphics are included after the commands that generated them.

Rats ...

This was experiment that involved feeding one group of rats an appetite supressant while the treatment was withheld from the contol group (naturally). The treatment was removed around day 65. The food intake in the control group is in rat.diet$con. The food intake for the rat treatment group is rat.diet$trt.

plot( rat.diet$t,  rat.diet$trt)

# complete experiment 

matplot( rat.diet$t, cbind( rat.diet$trt, rat.diet$con), 
          ylab="food intake", xlab="day")

title(" rat diet data: treatment and control groups")

Rat Food Intake

# fit a nonparametric curve ( a cubic spline) to these data. 
# curve has 4 degress of freedom 

out <- sreg( rat.diet$t, rat.diet$trt, df=4)

sreg(x = rat.diet$t, y = rat.diet$trt, df = 4)

 Number of Observations:       39
 Effective degrees of freedom: 4
 Residual degrees of freedom:  35
 Residual root mean square:    1.433
 Lambda ( smoothing parameter) 235.6

# take a look at the fit by adding a line to the current (active) figure

lines( rat.diet$t, out$fitted.values, col=1, lwd=2)

Rat Food Consumption with model

# fit another spline (with 12 degrees of freedom)

out <- sreg( rat.diet$t, rat.diet$trt, df=12)

sreg(x = rat.diet$t, y = rat.diet$trt, df = 12)

 Number of Observations:       39
 Effective degrees of freedom: 12
 Residual degrees of freedom:  27
 Residual root mean square:    1.14
 Lambda ( smoothing parameter) 1.202

lines( rat.diet$t, out$fitted.values, col=4, lwd=2)

# now fit the spline using GCV to choose the model degrees of freedom

out <- sreg( rat.diet$t, rat.diet$trt)

sreg(x = rat.diet$t, y = rat.diet$trt)

 Number of Observations:       39
 Effective degrees of freedom: 7.5
 Residual degrees of freedom:  31.5
 Residual root mean square:    1.247
 Lambda ( smoothing parameter) 11.07

plot( out, pch="*")

# Plot GCV curve and its derivative by creating some temporary arrays.
# Note we can subdivide the plot window 

x     <- seq( 0, 100,, 80)
hold  <- predict( out, x)
hold2 <- predict( out, x, derivative=1)


plot( rat.diet$t, rat.diet$trt)
lines( x, hold)

plot( x, hold2, xlab="days", ylab="change in intake rate", type="l")

# To get some standard errors, it is easier to switch to the 
# thin plate spline function ...  Tps

out <- Tps( rat.diet$t, rat.diet$trt)

Tps(x = rat.diet$t, Y = rat.diet$trt, cov.function = "Thin plate spline radial
basis functions (rad.cov) ")

 Number of Observations:                        39
 Degree of polynomial null space ( base model): 1
 Number of parameters in the null space         2
 Model degrees of freedom:                      7.5
 Residual degrees of freedom:                   31.5
 GCV estimate for sigma:                        1.387
 MLE for sigma:                                 1.356
 lambda                                         0.00037
 rho                                            4936
 sigma^2                                        1.839

set.panel( 1,1)
fit <- predict( out, x)
se  <- predict.se( out, x)

# plot data, 
# GCV spline, and 
# upper and lower pointwise CI's

plot( rat.diet$t, rat.diet$trt, ylim=c(12,32), pch="*")
lines( x, fit, lwd=2)
lower <- fit - 1.96* se
upper <- fit + 1.96*se
lines(x, lower, lty=2)
lines(x, upper, lty=2)

# Bonferoni bounds

bonf   <- qnorm( .025/39)
blower <- fit - bonf* se
bupper <- fit + bonf*se
lines(x, blower, lty=3, col=2)
lines(x, bupper, lty=3, col=2)

# and now for the control group of rats.
# (same strategy as we used for the trial group of rats)

out <- Tps( rat.diet$t, rat.diet$con)

Tps(x = rat.diet$t, Y = rat.diet$con, cov.function = "Thin plate spline radial
basis functions (rad.cov) ")

 Number of Observations:                        39
 Degree of polynomial null space ( base model): 1
 Number of parameters in the null space         2
 Model degrees of freedom:                      7.6
 Residual degrees of freedom:                   31.4
 GCV estimate for sigma:                        1.579
 MLE for sigma:                                 1.521
 lambda                                         0.00034
 rho                                            6769
 sigma^2                                        2.314

fit <- predict( out, x)
se  <- predict.se( out, x)

points( rat.diet$t, rat.diet$con, pch="o")
lines( x, fit, lwd=2)

lower <- fit - 1.96* se
upper <- fit + 1.96*se  
lines(x, lower, lty=2) 
lines(x, upper, lty=2)

bonf   <- qnorm( .025/39) 
blower <- fit - bonf* se
bupper <- fit + bonf*se
lines(x, blower, lty=3, col=2) 
lines(x, bupper, lty=3, col=2)

# what is a spline doing to the data? 

out  <- Tps( rat.diet$t, rat.diet$trt )
A    <- make.Amatrix( out )
look <- A%*% rat.diet$trt

# predicted from the hat matrix times y 

look2 <- predict( out )

# predicted from the Tps object 
# list them out to compare 

cbind( look,look2)

# the rows of A are the weights applied to the observed data to 
# give the spline at the points

row20 <- c(A[20,])
row35 <- c( A[35,])
matplot( rat.diet$t , cbind( row20, row35), type="l", col=1)
yline( 0)

Ozone ...

# lets load the ozone2 dataset and make a map
# map of ozone data sites  


[1] "lon.lat"        "y"              "chicago.subset"

US( xlim= c(-93.6,-82.8),  ylim=c(36.7, 44.5) )
points( ozone2$lon.lat, pch="o")

# take a look at day 16:  June 18, 1987
# removing the missing values complicates things a bit, but not much.

y16.full <- c(ozone2$y[16,])
good     <- !is.na(y16.full)
y16      <- y16.full[good]
x        <- ozone2$lon.lat[good,]

# OK now we have removed the missing values for day 16 and we
# called it "y16", their locations are in "x"
# thin plate spline 

out <- Tps( x, y16 )

Tps(x = x, Y = y16, cov.function = "Thin plate spline radial basis functions
(rad.cov) ")

 Number of Observations:                        147
 Degree of polynomial null space ( base model): 1
 Number of parameters in the null space         3
 Model degrees of freedom:                      74.6
 Residual degrees of freedom:                   72.4
 GCV estimate for sigma:                        9.275
 MLE for sigma:                                 8.392
 lambda                                         0.00014
 rho                                            489200
 sigma^2                                        70.43

surface( out)

# try out some other spatial covariances
# One example of a covariance function is the exponential: 
# exp.cov or exp.cov.S

out <- Krig( x, y16, exp.cov, theta=2 )

# some more complicated plots 

look <- predict.surface( out )
image.plot(look, graphics.reset=F )
US( add=T )

# a better covariance

out <- Krig( x, y16, exp.earth.cov, theta=343)


# find some time averaged fields 

ozone.cor <- COR( ozone2$y)
mean.tps  <- Tps( ozone2$lon.lat, ozone.cor$mean,
sd.tps    <- Tps( ozone2$lon.lat, ozone.cor$sd,

# make up a data set of pairwise distance by correlation.

upper    <- col(ozone.cor$cor) > row(ozone.cor$cor)
cgram.oz <- list( d=rdist.earth( ozone2$lon.lat)[upper],

# plot correlations as a function of distance

plot( cgram.oz$d, cgram.oz$cor, xlab="correlation",
title( "sample correlation as function of distance")

# this is where the 343 came from for the range parameter 

cgram.fit <- nls( cor ~ alpha* exp( -d/theta),
              cgram.oz, start= list( alpha=.95, theta=200))
summary( cgram.fit)

Formula: cor ~ alpha * exp(-d/theta)

       Estimate  Std.Error t value   Pr(>|t|)
alpha 9.306e-01  3.701e-03   251.5   <2e-16 ***
theta 3.434e+02  2.403e+00   142.9   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 `***' 0.001 `**' 0.01 `*' 0.05 `.' 0.1 ` ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.1216 on 11626 degrees of freedom

Correlation of Parameter Estimates:
theta -0.8384

# OK now we are going to fit the "right" model.
# We standarize the ozone and fit a surface to the standardized data
# (and undo things for predicting and inference) 

fit.GCV <- Krig( x, y16, cov.function=exp.earth.cov,theta=343,  
                 sd.obj=sd.tps, mean.obj= mean.tps, m=2)

summary( fit.GCV)

Krig(x = x, Y = y16, cov.function = exp.earth.cov, m = 2, mean.obj = mean.tps,
   sd.obj = sd.tps, theta = 343)

 Number of Observations:                        147
 Number of unique points:                       147
 Degree of polynomial null space ( base model): 1
 Number of parameters in the null space         3
 Effective degrees of freedom:                  115.6
 Residual degrees of freedom:                   31.4
 MLE sigma                                      0.2859
 GCV est. sigma                                 0.3129
 MLE rho                                        7.698
 Scale used for covariance (rho)                7.698
 Scale used for nugget (sigma^2)                0.08175
 lambda (sigma2/rho)                            0.01062

      min     1st Q    median     3rd Q       max
-0.593400 -0.075240  0.002854  0.079600  0.422300

COVARIANCE MODEL: exp.earth.cov
 A correlation model was fit: Y is standardized
spatial estimate is found

 Method used:      Cost:  1
   lambda       trA       GCV   GCV.one GCV.model      shat
  0.01062 115.63608   0.45895   0.45895        NA   0.31292

 Summary of estimates for lambda
         lambda   trA    GCV   shat
GCV     0.01062 115.6 0.4590 0.3129
GCV.one 0.01062 115.6 0.4590 0.3129

# the finale 

look  <- predict.surface( fit.GCV )
look2 <- predict.surface.se( fit.GCV )
par( pty="s")

image.plot( look, graphics.reset=F) 
contour( look2, add=T)
title("Surface ozone in PPB 6/18 1987")

This is software for statistical research and not for commercial uses. The authors do not guarantee the correctness of any function or program in this package. Any changes to the software should not be made without the authors permission.

Last modified: Dec 21 2005   by thoar@ucar.edu