sample.sonde {RadioSonde} R Documentation


The sample.sonde data frame has 461 rows and 21 columns. The columns are different physical measurements made during the balloon's ascent.




This data frame contains the following named components:

time Time in seconds from the ballon's release, a numeric vector.
press Pressure (mb), a numeric vector
temp Dry-bulb Temperature (deg. C), a numeric vector
dewpt Dew point temperaure (deg. C), a numeric vector
rh Relative humidity (%), a numeric vector
uwind East-West component of the wind, a numeric vector
vwind North-South component of the wind, a numeric vector
wspd wind speed (m/s), a numeric vector
dir Wind direction, a numeric vector
dz Ascension rate (m/s), a numeric vector
lon Longitude, a numeric vector
lat Latitude, a numeric vector
rng range, a numeric vector
az azimuth (angle along horizon), a numeric vector
alt altitude (m), a numeric vector
qp QC flag for pressure, a numeric vector
qt QC flag for temperature, a numeric vector
qh QC flag for humidity, a numeric vector
qu QC flag for U component, a numeric vector
qv QC flag for V component, a numeric vector
quv QC flag for ascension rate, a numeric vector


Quality Control (QC) flags are generated locally at JOSS based on either automated or visual checks made.
999.0 implies the QC information is missing,
1.0 implies datum seems physically reasonable (good),
2.0 implies datum questionable on a physical basis (maybe),
3.0 implies datum seems to be in error (bad),
4.0 implies datum interpolated (estimated),
9.0 implies datum missing in original file.

See Also

getsonde, plotsonde, plotwind, skewt.axis, skewt.lines, skewt.points

[Package Contents]