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Data Assimilation Research Section Turbulence Numerics Team Geophysical Statistics Project

The Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences
Theme for 2006: Emerging Mathematical Strategies for
Multi-Scale and Stochastic Modeling of the Atmosphere and Climate

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T-O-Y 2006 Workshops Plan

Three interdisciplinary one-week workshops during Fall Spring 2005-2006 with both a tutorial research/expository component for two days and a contemporary research component for the last three days. Both the proposed format and the topics for the three one-week workshops are described below including detailed science topics as well as suggested senior and mid-career lecturers.

Workshop I. Multi-scale Interactions in the Tropics to Midlatitudes:
Mathematical Theory, Observations and Numerical Models

26-30 September 2005; Boulder, CO

A brief summary and photo gallery of the workshop. Updated 10/13/05


The workshop will be held at the National Center for Atmospheric Research's Mesa Laboratory Main Seminar Room located in the foothills above beautiful Boulder, Colorado.

Atmospheric Science Topics:

  1. Multi-scale phenomena in Tropics: intraseasonal oscillation, cloud superclusters, clusters, etc.
  2. Tropical midlatitude connections
  3. Hurricane formation
  4. Capablity of GCM's to reproduce observed processes
Applied Math Topics:
  1. Multi-scale asymptotic methods for complex PDE's related to the tropics
  2. Analysis of simplified asymptotic models and their comparison to observations
  3. Balanced wave dynamics for equatorial wave guide, moisture, and hurricanes

Participation and Support

Funding is available to support attendance with special emphasis given to graduate students and other young researchers. Researchers who are not working directly on the workshop topics, yet have an interest in the program, are also encouraged to apply, as are members of under-represented groups.
The REGISTRATION deadline is 1 September 2005.

Application Procedures

A letter of application stating your research interests is required. If a graduate student, please include a description of relevant coursework and training, CV, and short letter of recommendation from a faculty advisor.


Wojciech Grabowski, NCAR
George Kiladis, NOAA/Aeronomy Laboratory
Mitchell Moncrieff, NCAR
Joe Tribbia, NCAR
Joseph Biello, University of California at Davis
Chris Bretherton, University of Washington
Patrick Haertel, University of North Dakota
Boualem Khouider, University of Victoria
Jialin Lin, NOAA/CIRES
David Neelin, University of California, Los Angeles
David Randall, Colorado State University
Paul Roundy, NOAA/CIRES

Organizing Committee

Joe Tribbia NCAR tribbia .at. ucar .dot. edu
Andy Majda Courant  


The Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences is a group within the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) for the purpose of advancing mathematical theory and its application to all facets of NCAR and the geophysical community at large. IMAGe is substantially funded by the National Science Foundation. IMAGe is composed of three groups; the Data Assimilation Initiative, the Geophysical Statistics Project, and the Turbulence Numerics Team. For more information about IMAGe, including post-doc positions, please contact Doug Nychka.


NCAR was formed in 1960 and has a broad interdisciplinary research program involving more that 1000 employees of which several hundred hold advanced scientific or engineering degrees. The NCAR scientific program includes nearly all aspects of the atmosphere including climate and weather, atmospheric chemistry, ecology, instrumentation, scientific computing, and economic and societal impacts of atmospheric processes.