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Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences The National Center for Atmospheric Research NCAR
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The Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute
and the Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences
Summer School on Fusing Geophysical Models with Data
Boulder, CO   13-17 June 2005

theory to practice to theory to ...

Fusing Geophysical Models with Data

Boulder, CO   13-17 June 2005

The ability to combine observations with a numerical model is critical to understanding and predicting geophysical systems like the earth's atmosphere. This summer school will be presented by statisticians and geophysicists who are leaders in the field of data assimilation. By bridging the gap between basic and applied research on ensemble data assimilation, the workshop will provide participants with an understanding of the most recent advances and the most critical unsolved problems in this rapidly growing field. Lectures and discussion will be supplemented by a series of computational explorations using the Data Assimilation Research Testbed facility at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. By the end of the workshop, participants will be equipped with the tools to attack the problems posed in the lectures and to undertake research in data assimilation for a large variety of applications.

Workshop Themes

Topics include:

  • Bayesian foundations of data assimilation and ensemble filtering,
  • estimating parameters for large geophysical models,
  • design of effective and cost-efficient observing systems, and
  • data assimilation of Lagrangian observations.
Applications include:
  • Climate modeling,
  • weather preciction, and
  • air quality.

Workshop Plan

The workshop is scheduled for 13-17 June 2005. A specific data assimilation problem will be the focus of each day's activities. Morning sessions will include invited lectures from atmospheric scientists workin on data assimilation and statisticians working on related problems. Afternoon sessions will use computer exercises to gain enhanced understanding of the topics presented in lecture. The afternoon sessions will use the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) software, developed by the NCAR Data Assimilation Initiative (DAI).

Tentative Agenda as of May 12, 2005

Organizing Committee

Doug Nychka NCAR/IMAGe nychka .at. ucar .dot. edu
Jeff Anderson NCAR/IMAGe jla .at. ucar .dot. edu
Chris Snyder NCAR/MMM chriss .at. ucar .dot. edu
Christopher K.R.T Jones University of North Carolina ckrtj .at. amath .dot. unc .dot. edu
Kayo Ide University of California Los Angeles kayo .at. atmos .dot. ucla .dot. edu


The Statistics and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) is a national institute with primary funding from the National Science Foundation. SAMSI is a partnership between Duke University, North Carolina State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the National Institute of Statistical Sciences. Please see www.samsi.info for more information about SAMSI. This workshop is part of the 2004-05 Program on Data Assimilation for Geophysical Systems, and is just one of many research activities underway at SAMSI. Those interested more broadly in other activities within the Focused Study Program and other opportunities for participating in SAMSI should contact Jim Berger    berger .at. samsi .dot. info


The Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences is a group embedded within the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) for the purpose of advancing mathematical theory and its application to all facets of NCAR and the geophysical community at large. IMAGe is substantially funded by the National Science Foundation. IMAGe is composed of three groups; the Data Assimilation Initiative, the Geophysical Statistics Project, and the Turbulence Numerics Team. For more information about IMAGe, including post-doc positions, please contact Doug Nychka.


NCAR was formed in 1960 and has a broad interdisciplinary research program involving more that 1000 employees of which several hundred hold advanced scientific or engineering degrees. The NCAR scientific program includes nearly all aspects of the atmosphere including climate and weather, atmospheric chemistry, ecology, instrumentation, scientific computing, and economic and societal impacts of atmospheric processes.