updated 08/10/05

Abstract submission

Participants who wish to present a talk need to provide an abstract of one page (maximum) to Liz Rothney by April 30.

Invited speakers

All keynote speakers are expected to present a 45 minute presentation with other invited speakers giving a 25 minute presentation.

We may also have a poster session if there are many applicants.

Speaker and poster presenters are requested to prepare a 2-page extended abstract using the LaTex template given below.

GTPabs.tex (template for extended abstract)
GTPabs.pdf (pdf file of an example of extended abstract)
figure.eps (input figure file for compilation of GTPabs.tex)

If you are not able to use the LaTex template, please send your material to Liz Rothney no lather than 20 June 2005. Deadline for extended abstracts is 20 June 2005