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Fields: Printable Manual
Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Thin Plate Splines: Tps 3. Spatial Process Models: Krig 4. Simulating Random Fields (sim.rf)

5. Spatial Predictions for Large Data Sets
6. Other Fields Functions References

Web Version of Fields Manual

1. Introduction

Fields is a collection of programs written in [R,S] for curve and function fitting with an emphasis on spatial data. The major methods implemented as native functions include:

The most distinctive feature of this module is that the Kriging functions allow you to supply a covariance function that is written in native code. Some additional functions useful for spatial analysis are:

  • vgram, COR : functions for calculating variograms and correlograms.
  • sim.rf : functions for simulating spatial fields.
  • smooth.image as.image, image.plot: Some useful functions for working with image data.
  • sreg, qsreg : 1-d smoothing splines and 1-d quantile splines

There are also generic functions that support these methods such as:

  • plot- diagnostic plots of fit
  • summary- statistical summary of fit
  • print- shorter version of summary
  • surface- graphical display of fitted surface
  • predict- evaluation fit at arbitrary points
  • predict.se- prediction standard errors at arbitrary points.
Section 2 presents the function for fitting thin plate splines. Many of the features for splines carry over into the kriging function and so provides a base for the general function fitting in section 3. Section 4 describes a function for generating space filling designs and working with images. The last section is a mathematical description of the estimates.

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2. Thin Plate Splines: Tps

2.1 The Model

The assumed model for Tps is additive. Namely,

Y = f(X) + e,

where f(X) is a d dimensional surface, and the object is to fit a thin plate spline surface to irregularly spaced data, e are random errors with zero mean, uncorrelated and with variances /W_i. A mathematical summary of this type of spline is given in the last section of this manual.

2.2 Cross-Validation

A thin plate smoothing spline is a generalization of the cubic smoothing spline, and depends on two parameters: m, the order of the derivative penalty, and , a parameter controlling the amount of smoothing. For the case of one dimension and m = 2, the estimate reduces to the usual cubic spline.
The smoothing parameter, , varies from zero to infinity. When = 0 the spline estimate interpolates the data and has a residual sums of squares of zero. At the other extreme, of infinity results in an estimate that is a polynomial of degree m - 1 with the coefficients estimated by least squares. can be chosen from the data by Generalized Cross-Validation (GCV). That is, the estimate of the smoothing parameter can be found by minimizing the GCV function

V() = N / D

where N = (1/n) * Y' (I - A())' W (I - A())Y and D = (1 - trA() /n)^2. Here, Y' denotes Y transposed, etc... It is also possible to include a cost parameter that can give more (or less) weight to the effective number of parameters beyond the base polynomial model.
A frequentist estimate for the residual variance, , is found using the estimate for by

= Y' (I - A())' W (I - A())Y / (n - tr(A())).

An alternate estimate is by maximum likelihood (see mathematical section).

2.3 Tps Example: ozone

ozone is a small Fields data set included for explanatory purposes. It is a list object that has two different versions of grid coordinates: x and lon.lat. Here we use the cartesian coordinates in x. One can fit a thin plate spline to the y values by

ozone.tps <- Tps( ozone$x, ozone$y)

Generic S-Plus functions such as summary, predict, print, and plot apply to ozone.tps object. For example,

summary( ozone.tps)

Tps(x = ozone$x, Y = ozone$y, cov.function =
"Thin plate spline radial basis functions (rad.cov) ")

1. Number of Observations:
2. Number of unique points:
3. Degree of polynomial null space ( base model):
4. Number of parameters in the null space
5. Effective degrees of freedom:
6. Residual degrees of freedom:
7. MLE sigma
8. GCV est. sigma
9. MLE rho
10. Scale used for covariance (rho)
11. Scale used for nugget (sigma^2)
12. lambda (sigma2/rho)
13. Cost in GCV
14. GCV Minimum
    min  1st Q  median 3rd Q   max 
 -6.801 -1.434 -0.5055 1.439 7.791
Covariance function: rad.cov

The following explains the elements of the above summary.
    1. the total number of observations including replicates.
    2. the total number of unique points.
    3. the maximum degree of polynomial (m - 1) included in the spline model.
    4. total number of polynomial terms up to the maximum degree. This is the total number of conventional parameters for the spline.
    5. total number of effective parameters associated with the spline curve including those of the polynomial. This number is controlled by the parameter and is the trace of the smoothing matrix, A().
    6. spline degrees of freedom subtracted from the total number of observations.
    7. estimate of by maximum likelihood.
    8. estimate of by using residual sum of squares and effective d.f.
    9. - 11. these are explained in the discussion of the Krig function and the spatial model.
    12. value of smoothing parameter used to find spline estimate. If no value has been specified, the smoothing parameter estimated by GCV is reported.
    13. value of cost parameter.
    14. value of GCV function at . This is an estimate of the average squared prediction error for a given value of . If has been estimated, then the minimum value of the GCV function is reported.

plot( ozone.tps)

View Full Size Plot

The top two graphs are typical regression diagnostic plots. The left lower plot is the GCV function plotted against effective number of parameters in the spline. Note minimum at approximately 4.5 agreeing with the summary values. Right lower plot is a histogram of residuals.

Finally, here is the simplest example of using the predict function. The default is to predict at the observed data locations. ozone.tps.pred <- predict( ozone.tps)

 [1] 38.35702 38.62821 38.44499 39.01395 38.79481 39.72864 38.30791 39.35719
 [9] 39.19664 39.63307 40.98843 40.05890 41.11455 40.87318 41.42214 40.35936
[17] 40.03565 39.10773 41.34989 40.83722

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3. Spatial Process Models: Krig

Spatial Statistics refers to the class of models and methods for data collected over a region, and informally we will refer to spatial estimates based on a covariance model as "Kriging". Examples of such regions might be a mineral field, a quadrant in a forest, or a geographic region. A typical problem is to predict values of a measurement at places where it is not observed, or, if the measurements are observed with error, to estimate a smooth spatial process, or surface, from the data. The Kriging function in Fields has the advantage that it can use arbitrary covariance functions. In doing so it is not limited to two dimensional problems or standard models.
Fields assumes a spatial model of the form

Y_i = P(x_i) + Z(X_i) + e_i,     1 <= i <= n

where P is a low order polynomial (default polynomial used by Krig is a linear function (m=2)). Z is a mean zero, Gaussian stochastic process with a covariance that is known up to a scale constant, k(x, x') and denote the variance of e_i by /W_i. Consistent with the spline estimate, we take = / . The covariance function, k, may also depend on other parameters that we explain how to specify below but these are not estimated directly by the Krig function.

3.1 Using Krig

The S function, Krig, takes data and a covariance function and returns a Krig object that has information about the estimate of P and Z. The simplest call making use of all the default choices is to specify the locations, x , and the independent variable, Y and the range for the exponential covariance function theta . Here, x is an n x d matrix where each row has the coordinates of the location. Although many examples of spatial data are two-dimensional, the general structure is not limited to the 2-d case.
The returned Krig object is the standard best linear unbiased estimate (BLUE) of f(x) and by default the nugget variance, , is found by GCV. If one assumes a Gaussian process and Gaussian errors, then this estimate is also related to the conditional expectation of f(x) given the observed data. Of equal value are estimates of the standard errors of prediction and more will be said about these below.
The primary flexibility of the Krig function is in specifying the covariance function and parameters associated with it. The default covariance is the exponential function

k(x, x') = exp( -rdist(x, x')/theta)

where rdist( x, x') is the Euclidean distance function and the default for theta is 1. To set parameters of the covariance function to values other than their defaults, simply include them in the calling list to Krig. The example below indicates how this is done.

fit <- Krig( ozone$x, ozone$y, theta=100)

View the help file for Krig to find more information on all of the optional arguments that can be passed into Krig. In the ozone example below, Krig could have been called without specifying exp.cov (since this is the default).

3.2 Examples

The following examples illustrate the use of Krig and supporting functions.

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Ozone Data Example
Ozone Concentrations in Chicago
Although not a very interesting data set, it is useful for demonstrating the Krig package.

Overall plots of the data:
View Full Size Image
View Full Size Image
Zoomed-out (to see location better)
View Full Size Image
Contour Plot
View Full Size Image
Surface Plot w/ Standard Errors from Krig fit
View the source code that produced the plots above.

# -- Find the Krig fit to the ozone data using
# -- Exponential covariance function. Choice of range parameter, theta, is
# -- arbitrarily chosen here to be 10 miles.
fit <- Krig(ozone$x, ozone$y, exp.cov, theta=10)

# -- Print summary of the Krig fit.
# -- The summary function is a generic S-Plus function that is used to provide
# -- summary information about a regression object. For example, from the
# -- output of the summary below, we can discern that 4 or 5 parameters
# -- (Effective df=4.5) are needed to fit the model. Also, the estimate for
# -- sigma is about 4.2 (both MLE and GCV give this), and for rho is 2.374.
summary( fit)

Krig(x = ozone$x, Y = ozone$y, cov.function = exp.cov, theta = 10)

Number of Observations: 20 Number of unique points: 20 Degree of polynomial null space ( base model): 1 Number of parameters in the null space 3 Effective degrees of freedom: 4.5 Residual degrees of freedom: 15.5 MLE sigma 4.206 GCV est. sigma 4.2 MLE rho 2.374 Scale used for covariance (rho) 2.374 Scale used for nugget (sigma^2) 17.69 lambda (sigma2/rho) 7.453 Cost in GCV 1 GCV Minimum 22.8 Residuals: min 1st Q median 3rd Q max -7.037 -2.189 -0.4681 2.299 7.382 REMARKS Covariance function: exp.cov

# -- Obtain diagnostic plots of the fit using the generic function, plot.
# -- This is the same function used for other standard S-Plus regression
# -- objects. Note that the plots of the residuals suggest that the model is
# -- overfitting ozone at lower values.
plot( fit)

View Full Size Plot

# -- Calculate the standard errors of the Krig fit using the Fields function
# -- predict.se.Krig, which finds the standard errors of prediction based on a linear
# -- combination of the observed data--generally the BLUE. The only required
# -- argument is the Krig object itself. Optional arguments include alternate
# -- points to compute the standard error on, viz. x, a covariance function, rho, sigma2
# -- (default is to use the values passed into Krig originally),
# -- and some other logical parameters that can be found in the help file.

ozone.fit.se <- predict.se( fit)
out.p <- predict.surface( fit)
image.plot( out.p, xlab="East-West", ylab="North-South")
out2.p <- predict.surface.se( fit)
contour( out2.p, add=T)
View Full Size Plot

# -- It is also possible to obtain krig predictions at other locations besides
# -- those given with the data. For example,
# -- Here, I choose a random set of points to predict at. I did this to
# -- emphasize that you can choose any grid points that you want
# -- to study.
loc.knot <- cbind (runif( 20, min=-30, max=35), runif( 20, min=21, max=36))
# -- Now predict with these points.
ozone.pred2 <- predict( fit, loc.knots)

# -- We can also use predict to obtain predictions for the ozone fit using a
# -- different value for lambda, or df--and, indeed, different data.
# -- For example,
ozone.pred3 <- predict( fit, lambda=5)

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Coal Ash Data Example
Data obtained from
Gomez and Hazen (1970, Tables 19 and 20) on coal ash for the Robena Mine Property in Greene County Pennsylvania.

Overall plot of the data.

# -- Create an image plot of the data. For fun, add the contour lines.
look <- as.image( coalash$y, x=coalash$x)
image.plot( look)
contour( look, add=T, labex=0)

View Full Size Image

# -- Perform a Krig fit using exponential covariance function with range
# -- paramter, theta=2.5 (choice of theta will be explained below).

fit <- Krig( coalash$x, coalash$y, cov.function = exp.cov.S, theta=2.5)
summary( fit)

Krig(x = coalash$x, Y = coalash$y, cov.function = exp.cov.S)

Number of Observations: 208 Number of unique points: 208 Degree of polynomial null space ( base model): 1 Number of parameters in the null space 3 Effective degrees of freedom: 29.7 Residual degrees of freedom: 178.3 MLE sigma 1.02 GCV est. sigma 1.018 MLE rho 0.2829 Scale used for covariance (rho) 0.2829 Scale used for nugget (sigma^2) 1.04 lambda (sigma2/rho) 3.675 RESIDUAL SUMMARY: min 1st Q median 3rd Q max -2.169 -0.6578 -0.09917 0.4115 6.169 COVARIANCE MODEL: exp.cov.S DETAILS ON SMOOTHING PARAMETER: Method used: GCV Cost: 1 lambda trA GCV GCV.one GCV.model shat 3.675 29.69 1.209 1.209 NA 1.018 Summary of estimates for lambda lambda trA GCV shat GCV 3.675 29.69 1.209 1.018 GCV.one 3.675 29.69 1.209 1.018

plot( fit)

View Full Size Image

# -- We will use the S-Plus generic function, predict, to make predictions,
# -- using the Krig object fit.
# -- We also added the contours of the standard errors of the estimates.
fit.pred <- predict( fit)
look <- as.image( fit.pred, x=coalash$x)
image.plot( look)

fit.se <- predict.se( fit)
look2 <- as.image (fit.se, x=coalash$x)
contour( look2, add=T, labex=0)

View Full Size Image

In the above fit, we used the range parameter, theta=2.5. This range parameter was chosen by re-doing the above steps with varying theta parameters and choosing the value that yielded the smallest GCV minimum. The following table shows the GCV minimum results of using various values for theta. From this table, it appears that after theta = 2.5, the GCV minimum does not get much smaller, and so there is little improvement in the average prediction error. Another approach to determne the range parameter is discussed below.

theta GCV Minimum

Finding an appropriate covariance function can be a difficult modeling exercise by itself. However, to estimate the parameters of a covariance function, it is possible to utilize well-established methodologies. One straightforward approach is to use nonlinear least squares fitting of the variogram. Fields has a variogram function, viz. vgram.

coalash.vgram <- vgram( coalash$x, coalash$y)

# -- coalash.vgram is a list object. Where "d" are the distances,
# -- coalash.vgram$vgram is the variogram, and call tells how the vgram function was called.
names( coalash.vgram)
[1] "d" "vgram" "call"

Now it is possible to plot the variogram against the distances to get a feel for the type of covariance function, and for the parameters. To do this, we make use of another Fields function. Namely, bplot.xy. This function simply bins y values according to their x values and produces a boxplot of these groups from binning.

bplot.xy( coalash.vgram$d, coalash.vgram$vgram)

View Full Size Image
Plot from above command.
View Full Size Image
Same plot, but zoomed in ( ylim=c(0, 10) ).
Indeed, the plots might suggest an alternative covariance matrix to the exponential. Never-the-less, for the purpose of demonstrating the software, we will use the exponential covariance function.

Now we use the S-Plus function, nls (Non Linear Least Squares Regression) to search for a suitable range parameter. Simultaneously, we search for possible values for sigma2 and rho which we can subsequently fix, if desired, for the Krig fit. vgram.fit <- nls( vgram ~ sigma2*(1-rho*exp(-d/theta)), coalash.vgram, start=list( sigma2= 9, rho=0.95, theta=1)) summary( vgram.fit)
Formula: vgram ~ sigma2 * (1 - rho * exp( - d/theta))

          Value Std. Error  t value 
sigma2 1.696190  0.0334569 50.69770
   rho 0.750553  0.2807990  2.67292
 theta 1.635050  0.5580010  2.93019

Residual standard error: 3.60828 on 21523 degrees of freedom

Correlation of Parameter Estimates:
      sigma2    rho 
  rho -0.346       
theta  0.566 -0.877
These results suggest theta = 1.63505, and we can also try fixing sigma2 = 1.696190 and rho = 0.750553.

fit <- Krig( coalash$x, coalash$y, theta=1.635050, sigma2=1.696190, rho=0.750553)
summary( fit)

Krig(x = coalash$x, Y = coalash$y, rho = 0.750553, sigma2 = 1.69619, theta = 
 Number of Observations:                        208   
 Number of unique points:                       208   
 Degree of polynomial null space ( base model): 1     
 Number of parameters in the null space         3     
 Effective degrees of freedom:                  48.8  
 Residual degrees of freedom:                   159.2 
 MLE sigma                                      0.9604
 GCV est. sigma                                 0.9647
 MLE rho                                        0.4082
 Scale used for covariance (rho)                0.7506
 Scale used for nugget (sigma^2)                1.696 
 lambda (sigma2/rho)                            2.26  

    min   1st Q  median  3rd Q   max 
 -1.899 -0.5541 -0.1009 0.3808 5.486


 Method used:   user    Cost:  1
 lambda  trA   GCV GCV.one GCV.model   shat 
   2.26 48.8 1.216   1.216        NA 0.9647

 Summary of estimates for lambda
        lambda   trA   GCV   shat 
    GCV  3.422 37.27 1.213 0.9979
GCV.one  3.422 37.27 1.213 0.9979
From this we see that the MLE sigma has been reduced to 0.9064 from 1.02. The GCV minimum is a little higher, and the effective degrees of freedom has been increased to 48.8 from 29.7 when we used GCV to find sigma2, rho, and subsequently lambda.

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Daily 8-Hour Ozone Data Example
The Fields dataset ozone2 consists of daily 8-hour surface ozone measurements during the summer of 1987 for approx. 150 locations in the Midwest.

# Plot the data with a map of the area.
usa( xlim= range( ozone2$lon.lat[,1]), ylim= range( ozone2$lon.lat[,2]))
points( ozone2$lon.lat, pch="o")
title("Daily 8-Hour Ozone Data", cex=0.85)

Veiw Full Size Plot

For daily ozone measurements it has been found that a non-stationary covariance with an isotropic correlation function is a useful model. Let x be a vector of locations, Y(x) the ozone measurement at location x, and obtain the standardized process

Z(x) = ( Y(x) - EY(x) ) / sqrt(Var( Y(x) ))

We will assume that this new process is isotropic, and assuming that the spatial fields EY(x) and Var( Y(x) ) are known, it is easy to use Krig to obtain spatial estimates, incorporating this more complex covariance.

It will be handy to create a correlogram before we continue.

ozone.cor <- COR( ozone2$y)

The Fields function COR is useful because it will omit missing values in computing pairwise correlations and also contains marginal means and standard deviations. Next, we will use this correlation object to estimate the marginal mean, EY(x), and standard deviation, sqrt( Var( Y(x) )) surfaces using the different days as replicates. The use of return.matrices = F is optional and simply reduces the size of the returned object. This way, the large matrices used in finding the standard errors will not be included in the returned object.

mean.tps <- Tps( ozone2$lon.lat, ozone.cor$mean, return.matrices = F)
sd.tps <- Tps( ozone2$lon.lat, ozone.cor$sd, return.matrices = F)

Now we are ready to fit the Krig model to this data, Krig does not accept missing values, so we need to remove them in some fashion before calling Krig. For this example, we will fit the model for day 16. Notice the use of: cov.function=exp.earth.cov, sd.obj=sd.tps, mean.obj=mean.tps, and m=1. exp.earth.cov is an exponential covariance function that uses great circle distances for locations reported in longitude and latitude. The Tps objects are used to define the mean and standard deviation fields for standardizing the measurements. They are estimates of the marginal mean and standard deviation surfaces which we use to take into account the lack of stationarity in the data set. Since we are including a mean field, it is appropriate to fit a constant term for the polynomial part of the model, thus we include the option, m = 1. Finally, we use a range parameter estimated from nonlinear least squares fitting of the correlogram. An example of this procedure appears in the previous coal ash example.

day16 <- c( ozone2$y[16,])

# -- Logical vector to remove missing values from day16.
idn <- !is.na( day16)
fit <- Krig( ozone2$lon.lat[idn, ], day16[idn], cov.function=exp.earth.cov, theta = 343, sd.obj=sd.tps, mean.obj=mean.tps, m=1) summary( fit)

Krig(x = ozone2$lon.lat[idn,  ], Y = day16[idn], cov.function = exp.earth.cov,
        m = 1, mean.obj = mean.tps, sd.obj = sd.tps, theta = 343)
 Number of Observations:                        147    
 Number of unique points:                       147    
 Degree of polynomial null space ( base model): 0      
 Number of parameters in the null space         1      
 Effective degrees of freedom:                  114.7  
 Residual degrees of freedom:                   32.3   
 MLE sigma                                      0.289  
 GCV est. sigma                                 0.3172 
 MLE rho                                        7.538  
 Scale used for covariance (rho)                7.538  
 Scale used for nugget (sigma^2)                0.0835 
 lambda (sigma2/rho)                            0.01108
 Cost in GCV                                    1      
 GCV Minimum                                    0.4585 

Y is standardized before spatial estimate is found
     min    1st Q   median   3rd Q   max 
 -0.6091 -0.07774 0.003612 0.08233 0.433
Covariance function: exp.earth.cov 

From the above summary, we can see that there are 147 observations, all of which are unique. A constant term was used for the polynomial part of the model--as we specified with m = 1. The large effective degrees of freedom in the model (114.7) found by GCV will result in a surface that fits the observations closely. Note that the GCV function (left lower graph) is fairly flat from 30 d.f. and suggests that the value of lambda can not be well estimated from in sample average prediction error.

View Full Size Plot

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3.3 Covariance Functions

Given below is a table of covariance functions provided by the Fields software package:
Note that exp.cov is the default covariance function used if a covariance function is not specified. Additionally, using p = 2 in exp.cov is the Gaussian covariance function.

Before giving details on these covariances it is useful to outline the basic form. The function test.cov in Fields can be used as a template for building new covariance models. For example, it is possible to create a new covariance function and use it with Krig to estimate a surface. The basic form is my.fun( x1, x2), where x1 and x2 are matrices of locations with the rows being the locations and the columns the individual coordinates for the location. The covariance function should return a matrix. If nrow( x1) = M, nrow( x2) = N, then my.fun( x1, x2) should return an M x N cross covariance matrix whose (i, j) element is the covariance between the ith row of x1 with the jth row of x2. A handy Fields function is rdist( x1, x2) which computes the pairwise distance matrix between two sets of points--in this case x1 and x2. For example, the exponential/Gaussian covariance can be programmed as

 my.cov <- function( x1, x2, p = 1, range=1) {
        cov <- exp( - (rdist(x1, x2)/range)^p)
        return( cov)

Then, to use this function with Krig, simply include its name along with any parameters to be passed in. That is,

fit <- Krig( data$x, data$y, my.cov, range=12, p=1.5)

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Table - Covariance functions in Fields
S-Function optional arguments
with defaults
C argument
exp.cov theta = 1, p = 1 both yes
for sphere
exp.earth.cov theta = 1S no
Matern matern.cov smoothness = 0.5
range = ??
Periodic 1-d periodic.cov.ld a = 0, b = 1 both no
Cylindrical periodic.cov.cyl a = 0, b = 365
theta = 1
S no
Poisson covariance
for the sphere
poisson.cov eta = 0.2 S no
Sample covariance test.cov theta = 1 S no
Generalized spline
rad.cov p both yes

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3.4.2 Defining New Covariance Functions

Any covariance function can be passed into the Krig function provided it has the right format. For example, suppose I wish to create a new covariance function. First, I would define a function named, say, foo.cov.S. Thus,
foo.cov.S <- function( x1, x2, range) {
	exp( -(rdist(x1, x2)/range)**2)

} # end of foo.cov fcn (Note that foo.cov.S is the Gaussian covariance fcn.)

To use this covariance function on the ozone data (using range = 10), and store it in an object called foo.fit, simply use the following command.

foo.fit <- Krig( ozone$x, ozone$y, cov.function=foo.cov.S, range=10)

Notice that range is a parameter defined in my foo.cov.S function, and it is passed into Krig as if it were a Krig parameter. The same kinds of summary information can be obtained as before by using the usual summary command.

summary( foo.fit)

Krig(x = ozone$x, Y = ozone$y, cov.function = foo.cov.S, range = 10) Number of Observations: 20 Number of unique points: 20 Degree of polynomial null space ( base model): 1 Number of parameters in the null space 3 Effective degrees of freedom: 3.2 Residual degrees of freedom: 16.8 MLE sigma 4.402 GCV est. sigma 4.402 MLE rho 0.2765 Scale used for covariance (rho) 0.2765 Scale used for nugget (sigma^2) 19.38 lambda (sigma2/rho) 70.08 Cost in GCV 1 GCV Minimum 23.06 Residuals: min 1st Q median 3rd Q max -7.802 -2.736 -0.3941 2.757 7.472 REMARKS Covariance function: foo.cov.S
One caveat to creating new covariance functions is that they must not contain an argument called "C" unless the C argument is used in a special.

Utilizing the C argument

The fastidious eye will have noticed that two exponential covariance functions are included with the Fields software package. Indeed, this is the case with many of the provided functions. There is no difference in the results between using exp.cov and exp.cov.S. However, for large data sets exp.cov is more efficient than exp.cov.S if the actual covariance matrix, Sigma, is not needed, but instead simply the result of right multiplying the Sigma by a vector, say C.
For example, if Sigma = my.cov( x1, x2) is the covariance matrix, and y is a vector of length = nrow( x2) one requires the result

Sigma %*% y,

This particular computation can be invoked using the C argument. That is,

my.cov( x1, x2, C=y)

The advantage is that Krig will not create the covariance matrix, Sigma. Instead, it will perform the calculations of Sigma %*% C using, in most cases (true for all Fields provided covariance functions), a Fortran subroutine and save only the result of the multiplication.
By contrast, the Fields function exp.cov.S (which is the same as exp.cov except that it does not utilize the C option) will create the matrix Sigma (thereby using up more memory) and then it performs the calculation Sigma %*% C. Thus, when using large data sets, exp.cov, is faster and can be more efficient than exp.cov.S.

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3.4.3 Calling the Covariance Function by Name or by Function
(cov.by.name logical parameter)

What in the world does this parameter do?

cov.by.name is a logical parameter (default = T) that tells Krig whether to call the covariance function (cov.function) indirectly by name or by function. If cov.by.name is true, then it will use the standard S function do.call to evaluate the function. The optional arguments specific to the particular covariance function are stored in a list object called "args" that holds all other pertinent information. This is convenient for passing parameters from one function to another. For example, instead of finding the covariance matrix, k(x1, x2), by using the function directly--i.e. cov.function( x1, x2, ...)--the function evaluation would proceed by:

do.call( out$call.name, c( out$args, list( x1, x2)))

may appear to be more complicated, but more compatible with the implementation of the S language in the R statistical package. Note that out$call.name is a character value that simply stores the name of the covariance function to be called. For example, if the default exp.cov is used, then out$call.name is "exp.cov".
If cov.by.name is flase this results in a copy of the covariance function, with the correct arguments attached to the output Krig object. The advantage is that the data, estimate and specific covariance S-function are bundled together in a single object. Even if the covariance function is inadvertently deleted or modified elsewhere, using the returned Krig object will still give the correct results. The disadvantage is that the covariance S-function is always copied and is therefore wasteful of storage. Also, this copying modification of the function is problematic in the R-language.

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Some Details on Tps and Krig

Tps and Krig:
The Tps estimate can be thought of as a special case of a spatial process estimate using a particular generalized covariance function. Because of this correspondence the actual Tps function is a short wrapper that determines the polynomial order for the null space and then calls Krig with the radial basis generalized covariance (rad.cov). In this way Tps requires little extra coding beyond the Krig function itself and in fact the returned list from Tps is a Krig object and so it is adapted to all the special functions developed for this object format. One down side is some confusion in the summary of the thin plate spline as a spatial process type estimator. For example, the summary refers to a covariance model and maximum likelihood estimates. This is not something usually reported with a spline fit!


By a replicate point we mean more than one observation made at the same location. The Fields BD dataset is an example. The Tps and Krig functions will handle replicate points automatically, identifying replicated values and calculating the estimate of sigma based on a pure error sums of squares. The actual computation of the estimator is based on collapsing the data into a set of unique locations and the dependent vector y is collapsed into a smaller vector of weighted means. The Fields functions cat.matrix and fast.1way are used to efficiently identify the unique locations and produce the replicate group means and pooled weights. Replicate points posed several ways of performing cross-validation and this issue is discussed below.

Matrix decompositions

In writing Krig a decision was made that the Krig object can be used to find estimators for many different values of lambda (the ratio of sigma squared to rho). The computations to evaluate the estimator for many values of lambda are more extensive than for just one value. In this general case, the matrix computations are dominated the cube of the number of unique locations, np. The Wahba-Bates-Wendelberger algorithm (WBW) requires an eigenvector/eigenvalue of a matrix on the order np x np and the Demmler Reinsch algorithm (DR) requires the inverse square root and eigenvector/eigenvalue decompositions of np size matrices. Unlike WBW the DR is more amenable to using a reduced set of basis functions and so it is the default for Krig. However, for consistency with other spline implementations (e.g. GCVPACK) WBW is the default method for Tps. The user can control which is used by the decomp argument in the call.

Reducing the number of basis functions

The Krig estimate is a function that is a linear combination of basis functions derived from the covariance kernel. By default the standard Kriging estimator uses as many basis functions as unique locations. For large problems and noisy data this may be excessive. For example with 1000 locations one may feel that the true surface can be adequately approximated with far fewer degrees of freedom than that afforded by the full set of 1000 basis functions. To support this approximation, Krig and Tps have the option of taking a set of knot locations that define a basis independently of the data. The basis functions are bump shaped functions defined by the covariance and with the peak centered at the knot location. Thus evenly distributing the knot locations throughout the data region may be reasonable. One might also construct knot locations from a regular grid or use the cover.design function to find an irregular set of space filling points or just randomly sample (without replcement!) the observed data locations.

Here is an example for the Midwest ozone data.

#50 points selected from the locations that purposefully spread out.
knots <- cover.design( ozone2$lon.lat, 50)$design

good<- !is.na( ozone2$y[12,])
x<- ozone2$lon.lat[good,]
y<- c( ozone2$y[12,good])
Tps( x, y, knots=knots)-> out
[1] "Maximum likelihood estimates not found with knots \n \n "

The warning from this fit is expected because some estimates related to the covariance are not well defined for a reduced basis set.

Generalized cross-validation and choosing the smoothing parameter

The smoothing parameter, lambda is estimated by default by minimizing the generalized cross validation function. When there are no replicate points and full basis is used there is no ambiguity about the form for GCV. The basic CV strategy is to omit a part of the data and use the model fit on the remaining data to predict the left out observations. This basic form is the GCV.one criterion calculated in gcv.Krig. However, the GCV criterion is a ratio with the numerator being a mean residual sum of squares and the denominator being the squared fraction of degrees of freedom associated with the residuals. Variations on GCV used in Krig are based on modifying the mean square of the numerator and the number of observations entering the denominator.

For replicate points or a reduced set of basis functions the residual sums of squares can be broken into a pure error piece and one that is is changed by the smoothing parameter. For replicates this is the pure error sums of squares of the observations about their group means and for a reduced basis it is the residual sums of squares from regressing the full basis on the data. The default GCV criterion weights these pieces separately in an attempt to make the numerator more interpretable as an estimate of mean squared error.

With replicate points an alternative to omitting individual observations is to omit the entire replicate group. Technically this is accomplished by omitting the pure error sums of squares from the denominator of the GCV criterion. We refer to this result as GCV.model and is less likely to over fit the data than the other criterion.

The BD dataset in Fields contains replicated points. As an example, here are the results of different criterion applied to this data set.

fit <- Tps(BD[,1:4], BD$lnya, scale.type="range")

Besides these three versions of the GCV criterion another point of flexibility is the cost parameter used in the denominator. The default is cost=1 although specifying larger costs will force the criterion to favor models with fewer model degrees of freedom. For the BD example we see:

gcv.Krig( fit, cost=2)$lambda.est

In the discussion given above it has been assumed that once a GCV criterion is adopted one seeks to find the lambda value that minimizes the criterion. We have two qualifications of this basic approach. First in any minimization it is a good idea to examine the criterion for multiple local minima and other strange behavior. The plot function applied to the Krig or Tps object will plot the GCV measures as a function of the smoothing parameter ( Usually the lower left plot in the panel of 4). It is a good idea to examine this graph. Secondly, with replicate points, one may want the estimate of sigma^2 implied by the curve or surface fit to agree with that obtained from the pure error estimate. So rather than minimize a GCV criterion one would find the value of lambda so that the two estimates of sigma^2 are equal. In terms of the Krig object this would find lambda so that shat.GCV and shat.pure.error are equal. The only hazard of this estimate is when the replicates give an artificially low representation of the error variance. One should also note that this equality is not always possible because the pure error estimate may be outside the range possible from the spline based estimate.

Reusing objects:

The overall strategy for the Krig and Tps function is to do some extensive matrix decomposition once and then exploit their use in finding the estimate at many different values of lambda or even different sets of observations. In particular the predict and gcv.Krig functions are not limited to just the estimated values of lambda and the data vector y used to create the Krig object. The only constraint is that if the locations of the observations or the weighting matrix for the error variance are changed, then decompositions must be redone. Besides being efficient for looking at different values of the smoothing parameter this setup also facilitates bootstrapping and simulation.

Here are some short examples to show how this works.

Tps(ozone$x, ozone$y)-> fit

the GCV estimate gives an effective degrees of freedom of around 4.5.


evaluates the spline at this level of smoothing

predict( fit, df=8)

evaluates the spline using a model with the effective degrees of freedom is equal to 8. This last result is equivalent to

Tps(ozone$x, ozone$y, df=8)-> fit2
predict( fit2)

but is more efficient because the decompositions are not recreated. Instead they are reused from the fit object.

To redo the GCV search with new data one can just call gcv.Krig with the Krig object and another y,

gcv.Krig( fit, y=ozone$y)-> gcv.out

Here is an example of a bootstrap to see the sampling variability for GCV. Assume that the "true" function is the spline estimate from the data. We will reuse the Krig object to get efficient estimates when just the y's are changed.

true<- fit$fitted.values

sigma<- fit$shat.GCV
out<- matrix(NA, nrow=50, ncol=4)


for( k in 1:50){
y<- true + rnorm(20)*sigma
gcv.Krig( fit, y=y)-> temp
out[k,] <- temp$lambda.est[1,]

Within this loop we have just saved the estimated smoothing parameter. However, an additional line calling predict with the old object but the simulated data and new value of lambda would give an efficient evaluation of the estimated spline.

Finally a scatterplot of the results

plot( out[,2], out[,4], xlab="eff df", ylab="shat.GCV")

One moral from these results is to try different values of the smoothing parameter -- although GCV usually gives unbiased estimates, it is also highly variable.

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5.1 Space-Filling Designs

As a companion to the curve and surface fitting in Fields we have found it useful to have an algorithm that will produce sets of points that are evenly distributed. A typical application is to choose a subset of observed locations to use as the knots for a reduced set of basis function (see the example above). The function cover.design is a function to accomplish this. The basic framework is to determine a subset of design points from a larger set of candidate points. The candidate points not only serve as possible design points but determine the coverage criterion. A design's quality is evaluated by how well it covers the candidate set and a design is improved by swapping a point from the candidate set with a design point that produces a smaller coverage criterion.

At this point an analogy may be helpful to explain the coverage criterion. Suppose that you are charged with locating a fixed number of convenience stores in a city. Given a particular set of store locations each resident will have a store that is closest to their home. Out of all the residents, find the one who is the farthest to their nearest store. This is the maximum over the nearest neighbor distances and a good design for the stores makes this criterion as small as possible. In words, one seeks to minimize the distance the residents must travel to their closest convenience store. The result is referred to as the minimax design.

The cover.design function has two approximations. The minimax criterion is approximated by a smoother criterion based on L_p norms. These are the P and Q arguments in the call. The defaults P=Q=32 appear to yield a good approximation to the minimax designs. The other approximation is that the coverage criterion is minimized by updating one design point at a time. For each design point one checks whether a swap with a candidate point will yield a smaller coverage criterion. If such a swap is found the swap is made: the new point is adopted as part of the design and the old design point is moved into the candidate set. This process continues until no more productive swaps can be made or the number of iterations is exceeded. This algorithm is not guaranteed to give a global minimum and so one may not obtain the optimal design solution. However, we have found this algorithm to give useful designs even if they are not the global minimizer. In general, the global minimum is difficult to find and has questionable added value over good approximate solutions.

There are several important features of the cover.design function related to the algorithm for finding the design. One can fix some points in the design. These are simply points that are not allowed to be swapped out. This is useful if one wants to build up a sequence of designs of increasing size with the smaller designs being subsets of the larger ones. The default is to use Euclidean metric to measure distance between points. Any S function that is a metric can be substituted for this choice. See the help file for an example. Finally the swapping algorithm may only consider swapping candidate points that are near neighbors of the design point. This is helpful when the candidate set is large.

Here is a simple example to thin out a random set of 2-d locations and shows how the fixed point option works.

Create 200 locations uniformly distributed in the unit square.

set.seed( 123)
cand <- matrix( runif( 200*2), ncol=2)

Now find a coverage design of 10 points

cover.design(cand, 10)-> design10

The component design10$design is the best design and design10$best.id gives the row numbers of the candidate set matrix that comprise the best design.

Check it out

plot( design10)
summary( design10)

Now add 20 more points for a total of 30

cover.design( cand, 30, fixed=design$best.id)

Here is what happened:

plot( cand, pch=".")
points( design10$design, pch="x", col=2)
points( design30$design, pch="o", col=3)

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Working with Images

In the course of spatial analysis of 2-d fields we found need for some simple functions to create, plot, and smooth rectangular images. Here we mention two, as.image and image.plot.
By a surface or image object we mean a list with components x, y and z Where x and y are equally spaced grids and z is a matrix of values. This is the same format as used by the S functions contour, image, and persp

as.image creates an image object from irregular x,y,z by discretizing the 2-d locations to a grid and then producing an image object with the z values in the right cells. The arguments necessary for as.image to work are:

Z: Values of image.

The rest of the arguments are optional. They are:

  • ind = NULL, A matrix giving the row and column subscripts for each image value in Z. (Not needed if x is specified)

  • grid = NULL, A list with components x and y of equally spaced values describing the centers of the grid points. The default is to use nrow and ncol and the ranges of the data locations (x) to construct a grid.

  • x = NULL, Locations of image values. Not needed if ind is specified.

  • nrow = 64, Number of rows in image matrix (x-axis direction).

  • ncol = 64, Number of columns in image matrix (y-axis direction)

  • weights = rep( 1, length(Z))
Weights used to form mean values. If ind is passed in, as.image will use ind for x. If x and grid are both missing, as.image will use 1:nrow and 1:ncol for the grid. If x is passed in, but grid is not, then as.image will use a nrow x ncol discretized x for the grid. For fine grids each Z value will occupy its own grid square and so the conversion from irregular data to an image is unambiguous. If two or more Z values are mapped to same grid box then the returned value is their average. (It is easy to modify this function to produce other summaries but this is left to the user.)
For an example, we consider the function, image.plot, is also a fields function which simply draws the image plot with a color legend along side.

look <- as.image( coalash$y, x = coalash$x)
image.plot (look)

In this conversion grid boxes without Z value are coded as NA and so appear as the background color in an image plot. The function image.plot has the same functionality as image but adds a legend strip. It can be used to add a legend strip to an existing plot or create a new image and legend. Its chief benefit is that this function resides the plot region automatically to make room for the legend strip. We have found a function with reasonable defaults has been quite useful.

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  • Cressie, Noel A.C. (1993). Statistics for Spatial Data Wiley, USA.

  • Gomez, M. and Hazen, K. (1970). Evaluating sulfur and ash distribution in coal seems by statistical response surface regression analysis. U.S. Bureau of Mines Report RI 7377.

  • Isaacs, Edward H. and Srivastava, R. Mohan (1989). An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics. Oxford University Press, NY.

  • Journel, A.G. and Huijbregts, C.J. (1978). Mining Geostatistics . Academic Press, London.

  • Nychka, D. (1998). Spatial Process Estimates as Smoothers. Smoothing and Regression. Approaches, Computation and Application ed. M. G. Schimek, Wiley, New York.

  • Nychka, D., Piegorsch, Walter W., and Cox, Lawrence H. (Editors) Case Studies in Environmental Statistics (1998) Springer, NY.

  • Ripley, Brian D. (1981). Spatial Statistics Wiley, NY.

  • Venables, W.N. and Ripley, B.D. (1994). Modern Applied Statistics with S-Plus Springer-Verlag, NY.

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This is software for statistical research and not for commercial uses. The authors do not guarantee the correctness of any function or program in this package. Any changes to the software should not be made without the authors permission.

Last modified: Dec 21 2005   by thoar@ucar.edu