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Fields: Web Manual
Table of Contents
1. Introduction

2. Thin Plate Splines: Tps 3. Spatial Process Models: Krig 4. Simulating Random Fields (sim.rf)

5. Spatial Predictions for Large Data Sets
6. Other Fields Functions References

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1. Introduction

Fields is a collection of programs written in [R,S] for curve and function fitting with an emphasis on spatial data. The major methods implemented as native functions include:

  • Tps: Thin Plate spline regression
  • Krig: Spatial process estimate (Kriging)
  • krig.image: Spatial process estimate for large 2-d problems.

The most distinctive feature of this module is that the Kriging functions allow you to supply a covariance function that is written in native code. Some additional functions useful for spatial analysis are:

  • vgram, COR : functions for calculating variograms and correlograms.
  • sim.rf : functions for simulating spatial fields.
  • smooth.image as.image, image.plot: Some useful functions for working with image data.
  • sreg, qsreg : 1-d smoothing splines and 1-d quantile splines

There are also generic functions that support these methods such as:

  • plot- diagnostic plots of fit
  • summary- statistical summary of fit
  • print- shorter version of summary
  • surface- graphical display of fitted surface
  • predict- evaluation fit at arbitrary points
  • predict.se- prediction standard errors at arbitrary points.
Section 2 presents the function for fitting thin plate splines. Many of the features for splines carry over into the kriging function and so provides a base for the general function fitting in section 3. Section 4 describes a function for generating space filling designs and working with images. The last section is a mathematical description of the estimates.

This is software for statistical research and not for commercial uses. The authors do not guarantee the correctness of any function or program in this package. Any changes to the software should not be made without the authors permission.

Last modified: Dec 21 2005   by thoar@ucar.edu