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Fields: Web Manual
Table of Contents
1. Introduction

2. Thin Plate Splines: Tps 3. Spatial Process Models: Krig 4. Simulating Random Fields (sim.rf)

5. Spatial Predictions for Large Data Sets
6. Other Fields Functions References

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Ozone Data Example
Ozone Concentrations in Chicago
Although not a very interesting data set, it is useful for demonstrating the Krig package.

Overall plots of the data:
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Zoomed-out (to see location better)
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Contour Plot
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Surface Plot w/ Standard Errors from Krig fit
View the source code that produced the plots above.

# -- Find the Krig fit to the ozone data using
# -- Exponential covariance function. Choice of range parameter, theta, is
# -- arbitrarily chosen here to be 10 miles.
fit <- Krig(ozone$x, ozone$y, exp.cov, theta=10)

# -- Print summary of the Krig fit.
# -- The summary function is a generic S-Plus function that is used to provide
# -- summary information about a regression object. For example, from the
# -- output of the summary below, we can discern that 4 or 5 parameters
# -- (Effective df=4.5) are needed to fit the model. Also, the estimate for
# -- sigma is about 4.2 (both MLE and GCV give this), and for rho is 2.374.
summary( fit)

Krig(x = ozone$x, Y = ozone$y, cov.function = exp.cov, theta = 10)

Number of Observations: 20 Number of unique points: 20 Degree of polynomial null space ( base model): 1 Number of parameters in the null space 3 Effective degrees of freedom: 4.5 Residual degrees of freedom: 15.5 MLE sigma 4.206 GCV est. sigma 4.2 MLE rho 2.374 Scale used for covariance (rho) 2.374 Scale used for nugget (sigma^2) 17.69 lambda (sigma2/rho) 7.453 Cost in GCV 1 GCV Minimum 22.8 Residuals: min 1st Q median 3rd Q max -7.037 -2.189 -0.4681 2.299 7.382 REMARKS Covariance function: exp.cov

# -- Obtain diagnostic plots of the fit using the generic function, plot.
# -- This is the same function used for other standard S-Plus regression
# -- objects. Note that the plots of the residuals suggest that the model is
# -- overfitting ozone at lower values.
plot( fit)

View Full Size Plot

# -- Calculate the standard errors of the Krig fit using the Fields function
# -- predict.se.Krig, which finds the standard errors of prediction based on a linear
# -- combination of the observed data--generally the BLUE. The only required
# -- argument is the Krig object itself. Optional arguments include alternate
# -- points to compute the standard error on, viz. x, a covariance function, rho, sigma2
# -- (default is to use the values passed into Krig originally),
# -- and some other logical parameters that can be found in the help file.

ozone.fit.se <- predict.se( fit)
out.p <- predict.surface( fit)
image.plot( out.p, xlab="East-West", ylab="North-South")
out2.p <- predict.surface.se( fit)
contour( out2.p, add=T)
View Full Size Plot

# -- It is also possible to obtain krig predictions at other locations besides
# -- those given with the data. For example,
# -- Here, I choose a random set of points to predict at. I did this to
# -- emphasize that you can choose any grid points that you want
# -- to study.
loc.knot <- cbind (runif( 20, min=-30, max=35), runif( 20, min=21, max=36))
# -- Now predict with these points.
ozone.pred2 <- predict( fit, loc.knots)

# -- We can also use predict to obtain predictions for the ozone fit using a
# -- different value for lambda, or df--and, indeed, different data.
# -- For example,
ozone.pred3 <- predict( fit, lambda=5)

This is software for statistical research and not for commercial uses. The authors do not guarantee the correctness of any function or program in this package. Any changes to the software should not be made without the authors permission.

Last modified: Dec 21 2005   by thoar@ucar.edu