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Fields: Web Manual
Table of Contents
1. Introduction

2. Thin Plate Splines: Tps 3. Spatial Process Models: Krig 4. Simulating Random Fields (sim.rf)

5. Spatial Predictions for Large Data Sets
6. Other Fields Functions References

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2. Thin Plate Splines: Tps

2.1 The Model

The assumed model for Tps is additive. Namely,

Y = f(X) + e,

where f(X) is a d dimensional surface, and the object is to fit a thin plate spline surface to irregularly spaced data, e are random errors with zero mean, uncorrelated and with variances /W_i. A mathematical summary of this type of spline is given in the last section of this manual.

2.2 Cross-Validation

A thin plate smoothing spline is a generalization of the cubic smoothing spline, and depends on two parameters: m, the order of the derivative penalty, and , a parameter controlling the amount of smoothing. For the case of one dimension and m = 2, the estimate reduces to the usual cubic spline.
The smoothing parameter, , varies from zero to infinity. When = 0 the spline estimate interpolates the data and has a residual sums of squares of zero. At the other extreme, of infinity results in an estimate that is a polynomial of degree m - 1 with the coefficients estimated by least squares. can be chosen from the data by Generalized Cross-Validation (GCV). That is, the estimate of the smoothing parameter can be found by minimizing the GCV function

V() = N / D

where N = (1/n) * Y' (I - A())' W (I - A())Y and D = (1 - trA() /n)^2. Here, Y' denotes Y transposed, etc... It is also possible to include a cost parameter that can give more (or less) weight to the effective number of parameters beyond the base polynomial model.
A frequentist estimate for the residual variance, , is found using the estimate for by

= Y' (I - A())' W (I - A())Y / (n - tr(A())).

An alternate estimate is by maximum likelihood (see mathematical section).

2.3 Tps Example: ozone

ozone is a small Fields data set included for explanatory purposes. It is a list object that has two different versions of grid coordinates: x and lon.lat. Here we use the cartesian coordinates in x. One can fit a thin plate spline to the y values by

ozone.tps <- Tps( ozone$x, ozone$y)

Generic S-Plus functions such as summary, predict, print, and plot apply to ozone.tps object. For example,

summary( ozone.tps)

Tps(x = ozone$x, Y = ozone$y, cov.function =
"Thin plate spline radial basis functions (rad.cov) ")

1. Number of Observations:
2. Number of unique points:
3. Degree of polynomial null space ( base model):
4. Number of parameters in the null space
5. Effective degrees of freedom:
6. Residual degrees of freedom:
7. MLE sigma
8. GCV est. sigma
9. MLE rho
10. Scale used for covariance (rho)
11. Scale used for nugget (sigma^2)
12. lambda (sigma2/rho)
13. Cost in GCV
14. GCV Minimum
    min  1st Q  median 3rd Q   max 
 -6.801 -1.434 -0.5055 1.439 7.791
Covariance function: rad.cov

The following explains the elements of the above summary.
    1. the total number of observations including replicates.
    2. the total number of unique points.
    3. the maximum degree of polynomial (m - 1) included in the spline model.
    4. total number of polynomial terms up to the maximum degree. This is the total number of conventional parameters for the spline.
    5. total number of effective parameters associated with the spline curve including those of the polynomial. This number is controlled by the parameter and is the trace of the smoothing matrix, A().
    6. spline degrees of freedom subtracted from the total number of observations.
    7. estimate of by maximum likelihood.
    8. estimate of by using residual sum of squares and effective d.f.
    9. - 11. these are explained in the discussion of the Krig function and the spatial model.
    12. value of smoothing parameter used to find spline estimate. If no value has been specified, the smoothing parameter estimated by GCV is reported.
    13. value of cost parameter.
    14. value of GCV function at . This is an estimate of the average squared prediction error for a given value of . If has been estimated, then the minimum value of the GCV function is reported.

plot( ozone.tps)

View Full Size Plot

The top two graphs are typical regression diagnostic plots. The left lower plot is the GCV function plotted against effective number of parameters in the spline. Note minimum at approximately 4.5 agreeing with the summary values. Right lower plot is a histogram of residuals.

Finally, here is the simplest example of using the predict function. The default is to predict at the observed data locations. ozone.tps.pred <- predict( ozone.tps)

 [1] 38.35702 38.62821 38.44499 39.01395 38.79481 39.72864 38.30791 39.35719
 [9] 39.19664 39.63307 40.98843 40.05890 41.11455 40.87318 41.42214 40.35936
[17] 40.03565 39.10773 41.34989 40.83722

This is software for statistical research and not for commercial uses. The authors do not guarantee the correctness of any function or program in this package. Any changes to the software should not be made without the authors permission.

Last modified: Dec 21 2005   by thoar@ucar.edu