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Fields: Web Manual
Table of Contents
1. Introduction

2. Thin Plate Splines: Tps 3. Spatial Process Models: Krig 4. Simulating Random Fields (sim.rf)

5. Spatial Predictions for Large Data Sets
6. Other Fields Functions References

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3.4.2 Defining New Covariance Functions

Any covariance function can be passed into the Krig function provided it has the right format. For example, suppose I wish to create a new covariance function. First, I would define a function named, say, foo.cov.S. Thus,
foo.cov.S <- function( x1, x2, range) {
	exp( -(rdist(x1, x2)/range)**2)

} # end of foo.cov fcn (Note that foo.cov.S is the Gaussian covariance fcn.)

To use this covariance function on the ozone data (using range = 10), and store it in an object called foo.fit, simply use the following command.

foo.fit <- Krig( ozone$x, ozone$y, cov.function=foo.cov.S, range=10)

Notice that range is a parameter defined in my foo.cov.S function, and it is passed into Krig as if it were a Krig parameter. The same kinds of summary information can be obtained as before by using the usual summary command.

summary( foo.fit)

Krig(x = ozone$x, Y = ozone$y, cov.function = foo.cov.S, range = 10) Number of Observations: 20 Number of unique points: 20 Degree of polynomial null space ( base model): 1 Number of parameters in the null space 3 Effective degrees of freedom: 3.2 Residual degrees of freedom: 16.8 MLE sigma 4.402 GCV est. sigma 4.402 MLE rho 0.2765 Scale used for covariance (rho) 0.2765 Scale used for nugget (sigma^2) 19.38 lambda (sigma2/rho) 70.08 Cost in GCV 1 GCV Minimum 23.06 Residuals: min 1st Q median 3rd Q max -7.802 -2.736 -0.3941 2.757 7.472 REMARKS Covariance function: foo.cov.S
One caveat to creating new covariance functions is that they must not contain an argument called "C" unless the C argument is used in a special.

Utilizing the C argument

The fastidious eye will have noticed that two exponential covariance functions are included with the Fields software package. Indeed, this is the case with many of the provided functions. There is no difference in the results between using exp.cov and exp.cov.S. However, for large data sets exp.cov is more efficient than exp.cov.S if the actual covariance matrix, Sigma, is not needed, but instead simply the result of right multiplying the Sigma by a vector, say C.
For example, if Sigma = my.cov( x1, x2) is the covariance matrix, and y is a vector of length = nrow( x2) one requires the result

Sigma %*% y,

This particular computation can be invoked using the C argument. That is,

my.cov( x1, x2, C=y)

The advantage is that Krig will not create the covariance matrix, Sigma. Instead, it will perform the calculations of Sigma %*% C using, in most cases (true for all Fields provided covariance functions), a Fortran subroutine and save only the result of the multiplication.
By contrast, the Fields function exp.cov.S (which is the same as exp.cov except that it does not utilize the C option) will create the matrix Sigma (thereby using up more memory) and then it performs the calculation Sigma %*% C. Thus, when using large data sets, exp.cov, is faster and can be more efficient than exp.cov.S.

This is software for statistical research and not for commercial uses. The authors do not guarantee the correctness of any function or program in this package. Any changes to the software should not be made without the authors permission.

Last modified: Dec 21 2005   by thoar@ucar.edu