Datasets and related resources
Multi-proxy Reconstruction of Past Climate
Doug Nychka (nychka "at" ucar "dot" edu)
and Bo Li ( boli "at" stat "dot" purdue "dot" edu)
A web supplement to Li, B., Nychka, D. W. and Ammann, C. M. (2010). The value of multi-proxy reconstruction of past climate. In review for Journal of the American Statistical Association . including R programs, data sets and a supplment. -
Case study for
precipitation on Colorado's Front Range
Doug Nychka (nychka "at" ucar "dot" edu)
Three different datasets based on observational records, region climate model output and a gridded data product that describe monthly precipitation totals for a subregion of Colorado. -
Observed monthly precipitation, min and max temperatures
for the continential US 1895-1997
Doug Nychka (nychka "at" ucar "dot" edu)
These data are derived from approximately 5000 US locations and are a complete "data product" where missing station values have been filled in using spatial statistics. Included are logical flags to remove the infilled values and reduce to actual observations.
A convenient subset of min/max temp and precip for Colorado stations has been formatted as an R data object. See Colorado Monthly Meteorological Data -
Daily Surface Ozone data for 1995-1997 Eastern US
Doug Nychka (nychka "at" ucar "dot" edu)
These data are used in several publications developing statistical methods for spatial data and for extremes. These data were originally obtained from William Cox USEPA through the AIRS data base although they can be reconstructed by obtaining from the hourly measurements from US EPA AirData archive. Included are daily summaries, the maximum 8 hour average, at approximately 500 stations for the "ozone season" (May-October) and for the years 1995-1999. -
High resolution elevation
and image data for Mary Jane Resort, Colorado
Doug Nychka (nychka "at" ucar "dot" edu)
A digital elevation model at approx 10m spacing and aerial imagery at 1m resolution for the Mary Jane area of Winter Park/Mary Jane Ski resort. Includes R code for determing slopes using spatial statistics methods and perspective plots. -
Estimating Spatial Covariance Parameters using Covariance Tapering
Cari Kaufman (cgk "at" ucar "dot" edu)
Precipitation anomalies from 1962 at 7352 observation locations. Includes R code for estimating covariance parameters with and without tapering. -
Data sets and other information supporting the Niwot Ridge LTER field trip
Tim Hoar (thoar "at" ucar "dot" edu), Doug Nychka (nychka "at" ucar "dot" edu)
The workshop materials for The International Graduate Summer School on Statistics and Climate Modeling (2008) are available under this heading.
The data sets, software and related content in and linked to these pages are intended for scientific and mathematical research. The authors do not guarantee the correctness of the data, software or companion text. Please see the UCAR Terms of Use listed below.
Suggestions always welcome - nychka 'at' ucar 'dot' edu