NCAR's Geophysical Statistics Project

Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences Institute for Mathematics Applied to Geosciences
The National Science Foundation Statistics Program Managers came to visit the Geophysical Statistics Project on 2-3 December 2004.


2 December 2004

8:30-9:15 Overview of NCAR and GSP: Doug Nychka
9:15-10:45 GSP Post Docs: Reinhard Furrer, Dorin Drignei, Tomoko Matsuo
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:15 Graduate Students: Daniel Cooley, Curtis Storlie, Turbulence Animation-Storlie, Radar Movie-Storlie, Eric Gilleland
12:15-1:30 Lunch, Mesa Lab walk through
1:30-2:30 Scientific Mentors: Jeff Anderson, Tom Wigley, Claudia Tebaldi, Dan Marsh, Linda Mearns, Mary Downton
2:30-3:00 GSP Affiliated Scientists: Thomas Lee (CSU), Steve Sain (UCD)
3:00-3:15 Break
3:15-3:45 GSP PIs: Doug Nychka, Rick Katz, Jeff Anderson
3:45-4:45 NSF closed discussion
6:30- Dinner

3 December 2004

8:30-8:50 Tim Killeen (NCAR Director), Al Kellie (CISL Director)
9:30-10:00 Data Assimilation Initiative - Jeff Anderson, Tim Hoar
10:00-10:30 Turbulence Numerics Team - Duane Rosenberg, Aimé Fournier
10:30-11:00 Doug Nychka